March 27, 2025
Media contact: Larry Bingham:" style="color: rgb(6, 66, 118); text-decoration-line: none; text-size-adjust: 100%;">; 971-239-6499
PORTLAND, Ore.--The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), abruptly terminated roughly $117 million in COVID-era grants and funding for Oregon Health Authority programs, an impact that will be felt immediately in all nine federally recognized Tribal communities and in every county in Oregon.
The sudden loss of the funding, a year or more before some of the grants were scheduled to end, included, among other things:
OHA officials earlier today notified local public health authorities, the nine federally recognized Tribes and community-based organizations and partners who receive the funds that the grants have ended. OHA will continue to engage in a full evaluation of the impacts of these terminations, including whether they are legal, and remains committed to improving the lifelong health of all people in Oregon.
Multnomah County Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai accepted the first guilty plea in the county today under a new part of Oregon’s Interfering with Public Transportation law. The revision to the law was passed by the Oregon Legislature as Senate Bill 1553 and took effect on January 1, 2025. The revision added the consumption of illegal drugs on public transportation to the crime of Interfering with Public Transportation, a Class A misdemeanor and not eligible for deflection.
An information accused Nicholas Clay Birdsley on three counts of Interfering with Public Transportation while on the Portland Streetcar.
He pled guilty to Count 1, for trespassing on a public vehicle on Jan 19, 2025 and Count 2 for knowingly ingesting and inhaling a controlled substance that was not legally possessed by the defendant while on a public transit vehicle on February 24, 2025.
Count 3, another trespass, was dismissed as part of a plea agreement.
Judge Sinlapasai sentenced Mr. Birdsley to 12 months bench probation, 10 days jail credit for time served, a mandatory drug evaluation (which he would not have received if he was under a deflection program), an order to follow recommended treatment (which would not have been part of a deflection) and abide by any Portland Streetcar exclusions.
The case was prosecuted by DDA Wilson Carpenter.
Gresham, Ore.— Gresham Police have made an arrest for a homicide that occurred early Thursday morning. Shortly after midnight, police responded to a report of a stabbing near NE Glisan St and NE 201st Ave. Officers found 53-year-old Thomas “Tommy” Ferrer deceased at the scene and detained a possible suspect.
An investigation by the East County Major Crimes Team determined 38-year-old William Huffman had fatally stabbed Ferrer and attempted to assault another person who was present during the attack. Huffman was arrested and charged with Murder in the Second Degree, Attempted Assault in the Second Degree, and Unlawful Use of a Weapon.
Anyone with information about this case who has not already spoken to law enforcement is asked to contact Detective Tim Snider at or Detective Justin Pick at
Vancouver, Wash. – Public Works is planning to reconfigure the intersection of Northeast Delfel Road and Northeast 179th Street. The project will move the north leg of Northeast Delfel Road to the west to align with the south leg of Northeast Delfel Road and replace the existing traffic signal with a multi-lane roundabout. The project includes:
Construction is currently scheduled to begin in 2029.
Residents can learn more about the project at an upcoming information session, 6 - 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 10. Staff will share a presentation about the project from 6:30 – 7 p.m. with a Q&A (question-and-answer) session immediately following.
Residents can attend in person at Clark County Sheriff West Precinct, 505 NW 179th St in Ridgefield. Attendees can view project information and meet with staff before and after the presentation. Refreshments will be provided.
The presentation and Q&A session will also be streamed live online via Webex. Online attendees can ask questions during the Q&A using the chat feature. Residents can register to receive an email link to join the meeting. A meeting link will be posted to the webpage before the presentation. Registration and online meeting information can be found on the project webpage.
Presentation slides, visual aids and a recording of the presentation and Q&A session will be posted on the webpage within five business days. Materials are available in Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian, and additional languages on request. Interpretation, translation or accommodations to participate in the information session can be requested by contacting the project manager.
More information about the project can be found on the project webpage at
For information about road and park projects, closures, opportunities for community input, and more, residents can follow Public Works on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and Instagram and view information on Nextdoor.
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Vancouver, Wash. – Vancouver's recognition of Arbor Month in April will include an Arbor Day celebration and tree planting at the Jane Weber Evergreen Arboretum, a presentation of the Gordon and Sylvia MacWilliams Evergreen Award, a display at Cascade Park Community Library and pop-up arboretums at Arnada Park and Clearmeadows Park.
Vancouver is being honored as Tree City USA for the 36th consecutive year by the National Arbor Day Foundation. “This continued acknowledgment shows our commitment to ongoing community programs for planting and properly caring for trees,” said Vancouver Urban Forester Charles Ray. “As a regional climate leader, we support improving the health of our natural systems, increasing our community’s tree canopy and enhancing our quality of life.”
Community members are invited to an Arbor Day celebration on Wednesday, April 9. The event begins at 11:30 a.m. at the Jane Weber Evergreen Arboretum, 9215 S.E. Evergreen Hwy, with a recognition ceremony, including the Gordon and Sylvia MacWilliams Evergreen Award presentation and Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle accepting the Tree City USA award. Participants are then invited to join a service project to plant the Arbor Day tree and co-plant pollinator plants at the arboretum until about 12:30 p.m.
An exhibit at Cascade Park Community Library, 600 N.E. 136th Ave., and two pop-up arboretums at Arnada Park and Clearmeadows Park are available during April to enhance the celebration of trees and share the importance of a healthy canopy. Community members can hone their tree identification skills and learn fun tree facts through these displays.
Vancouver’s urban forestry proactively manages Vancouver's tree canopy. In February, teams started to canvas areas scheduled for future pavement work to evaluate existing street tree health and identify where new trees could be planted. In March, additional survey work continued to evaluate and map all trees and available planting sites in right-of-way and city parks. This tree and planting site information will guide tree canopy management, reduce risk and prepare Vancouver for possible threats to the state’s urban forest.
Learn more about our urban forestry programs, volunteer tree planting opportunities or Arbor Month activities by visiting or calling 360-487-8332.
March 27, 2025
Media Contact: Erica Heartquist, 503-871-8843,
Aid-in-dying deaths drop while prescriptions increase, OHA report shows
Death with Dignity Act participant characteristics consistent with previous years
PORTLAND, Ore. — Prescriptions for life-ending medications under Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act (DWDA) increased between 2023 and 2024, while the number of deaths went down, according to new Oregon Health Authority (OHA) data.
According to OHA’s 27th annual report on the DWDA, the number of prescriptions written for lethal medications increased 8.2%, from 561 to 607; deaths from ingestion of lethal doses of DWDA medications dropped about 2.6%, from 386 to 376.
The 2024 data represent a significant change from 2023, when prescriptions increased about 29%, driven largely by a 2023 amendment to the DWDA that removed the state residency requirement. Deaths from ingesting the lethal medications increased that year by about 20%.
In 2024, 23 prescription recipients (4%) lived outside of Oregon, a slight decrease from 29 (5%) in 2023.
“What we’re seeing is, perhaps, a cooling of the heightened interest and participation in the DWDA that occurred when patients were no longer required to be Oregon residents to receive medical aid in dying,” said Tom Jeanne, M.D., M.P.H.., deputy state health officer and epidemiologist.
He added that OHA has not seen any dramatic shifts in demographics of people who participate in the DWDA, noting that “characteristics of participants have remained generally consistent with previous years.”
Despite the increase in DWDA patients during 2023, the report’s findings are similar to those of previous years. The number of physician-assisted deaths remains a small percentage of the estimated 44,000 annual deaths in Oregon.
As in prior reports, participants were more likely to be 65 or older (83%) and white (92%). The most common health diagnosis among participants was cancer (57%), followed by neurological disease (15%) and heart disease (11%).
In 2024, OHA made no referrals of prescribing physicians to the Oregon Medical Board for failure to comply with DWDA reporting requirements.
Other findings for 2024 include:
OHA is legally required to collect information on compliance with the Death with Dignity Act and to make that information available on a yearly basis.
The full report is available on OHA’s Death with Dignity Act webpage.
GRESHAM, Ore. – The City of Gresham is proud to announce that Derik Minard has been appointed as the permanent Fire Chief following his tenure as Interim Fire Chief since January 2025. With decades of experience and a steadfast commitment to public safety, Chief Minard is well-positioned to lead the Gresham Fire Department forward and will be sworn in as Fire Chief on April 1 at 6 p.m. during the City Council business meeting.
“In my time working with Chief Minard, I have been continually impressed by his strong leadership, extensive expertise, and dedication to both his team and the community,” said Gresham City Manager Eric Schmidt. “His vision and experience make him the right person to guide the department forward, and we are fortunate to have him in this role.”
Minard’s appointment follows a thorough national search conducted in partnership with Workplace Change, launched after former Fire Chief Scott Lewis announced his retirement.
The selection process was highly competitive, with 40 candidates undergoing two rounds of screening interviews. Finalists then participated in a full day of interviews, which included a panel of external Fire Chiefs from six regional fire departments.
Reflecting on his leadership philosophy, Chief Minard shared, “The success of this department is measured by the morale, growth, and well-being of our firefighters and emergency responders. When people ask about my legacy, my answer is simple—it’s about the people.”
Bringing 34 years of fire service experience, Minard has previously served as Fire Chief in Westminster, Colorado, and Savannah, Georgia. Throughout his career, he has held every rank within the fire service and earned a Master of Science in Leadership and a Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration. He is also a certified Executive Fire Officer (EFO) through the National Fire Academy.
About Gresham:
Gresham is a vibrant and growing city where tradition blends seamlessly with innovation and opportunity. As Oregon's fourth-largest city, our community is built on a foundation of hard work, deep roots in agriculture, and a shared commitment to creating a thriving future. Discover more about what makes Gresham special by visiting
Record-setting fish returns mark signficant progress toward long-term reintroduction goals for Tribal, utility and conservation partners
Madras, Ore. (March 27, 2025) — Record numbers of adult steelhead returned to the Pelton Round Butte hydropower project on the Deschutes River during the 2024-2025 run, which ends this month. With more than 950 fish passed upstream of Round Butte Dam, the Upper Deschutes Basin is now home to more steelhead than at any time since the 1960s. Scientists attribute this year’s returns to beneficial ocean conditions and improvements in fish management practices.
The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs (the Tribes) and Portland General Electric – co-owners of the three-dam Pelton Round Butte hydropower complex – began an ambitious effort in 2010 to reintroduce ocean-going salmon and steelhead to the Deschutes River after more than 50 years without passage for these species. Scientific modeling completed in the 1990s established an annual goal of 955 steelhead adults upstream, based on the available habitat for fish.
“While the return of steelhead fish to the watershed marks a significant milestone, the journey toward full restoration continues,” said Austin Smith Jr., natural resources manager for the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. “The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs remain committed to ongoing conservation efforts, adaptive management, and education.”
Of the 950 adult steelhead passed upstream, 675 traveled through Pelton Round Butte’s fish collection facility as juveniles. Young fish from the Upper Deschutes, Crooked, and Metolius Rivers are collected in Lake Billy Chinook at the Selective Water Withdrawal (SWW), a structure that enables fish to be safely transported around three dams to continue their migration to the ocean. The SWW also facilitates more natural conditions in the Lower Deschutes River by reducing temperature impacts from the dams.
“We're excited to welcome these steelhead back to the Upper Deschutes Basin. Their journey is remarkable,” said Megan Hill, senior environmental science manager at PGE. “Most of these fish passed through the SWW, traveled 100 miles down the Deschutes to the Columbia River, then migrated another 200 miles past Bonneville Dam to the ocean. After spending about two years at sea, they made the 300-mile journey back. This year’s run highlights the power of strong ocean conditions combined with our collaborative efforts to improve fish passage and reintroduction strategies.”
Steelhead released upstream of Round Butte Dam since the reintroduction program began. Totals include reintroduction fish as well as excess hatchery broodstock.
Most of the returning steelhead traveled through the SWW as juveniles in 2022, a record-breaking year for juvenile collection. Since 2010, the Tribes and PGE have improved their ability to safely capture more fish through science-based strategies. These include the installation of a net that guides fish toward the collection area, a new stress-relief pond to allow fish time to recover after handling, and collaboration with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in the practice of smolt acclimation: holding young fish in-stream for a period of time to imprint and adjust to the river’s conditions.
Additionally, with more than two thirds of the steelhead lifecycle spent in the Pacific, recent beneficial ocean conditions likely played a significant role in steelhead survival and return rates.
In addition to the 675 reintroduction program fish, 275 Deschutes River hatchery-origin steelhead were also released upstream – a reintroduction strategy adopted in recent years. These adults, referred to as excess broodstock, are screened for disease, monitored post-release, and are genetically identical to the other steelhead from the upper basin.
Conservation organizations and agencies celebrate the record steelhead run:
“The DRC and its partners have been working over the last 15 years to restore streamflow and improve habitat in the Crooked River, Whychus Creek, and Metolius system to benefit these fish coming home. This marks the largest return since the efforts to reintroduce fish above the Pelton Round Butte Dam Complex began, and shows the promise of restoring anadromous runs back to their home waters in the upper basin.”
– Kate Fitzpatrick, executive director for the Deschutes River Conservancy
“The steelhead return to the Upper Deschutes Basin during the 2024-2025 run has been much stronger than we anticipated, and we are seeing evidence of widespread spawning. The adaptive management changes we’ve made in the reintroduction program have undoubtedly contributed to this strong return. Additional factors such as favorable ocean conditions and freshwater migration conditions also play a significant role.”
– Terry Shrader, Pelton Round Butte mitigation coordinator for Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
“This year’s large return of adult steelhead from the reintroduction program has been exciting to see, and a tremendous amount of work has been expended to make this happen. NOAA Fisheries appreciates the conservation efforts of the Deschutes River Conservancy, Deschutes Land Trust, local watershed councils, and irrigation districts. The Bureau of Reclamation has also been a great partner by storing and releasing water to assist with reintroduction. PGE and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs have made improvements to their operations and collection facility, resulting in many more juvenile salmon and steelhead being passed downstream. Additionally, adjustments by the Tribes and the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife have contributed to larger numbers of juveniles being passed downstream. We look forward to ongoing collaboration and more salmon and steelhead adults returning to the Deschutes River.”
– Scott Carlon, fish biologist for NOAA Fisheries
Using radio tracking technology, biologists will continue to monitor the adult steelhead released upstream to gather data about their movement and spawning activity. A subset of the adults, known as kelts, will travel through the SWW and to the ocean a second time. Others will remain in the upper basin to lay their eggs in gravel nests called redds, which have already been discovered in the Upper Deschutes Basin. In a few years, the offspring of these adults will begin their own journey to the ocean, following the current downstream to start the cycle over again.
More information about the Deschutes fish reintroduction program can be found at
View or download b-roll of steelhead releases.
About the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon is a federally-recognized, sovereign Indian tribe, representing the Wasco, Warm Springs and Paiute peoples. The Tribes occupy the Warm Springs Reservation, which stretches from the summits of the Cascade Mountains to the cliffs of the Deschutes River in Central Oregon. The Reservation is reserved for the Tribes' exclusive benefit by an 1855 Treaty with the United States. To this day, the Tribes retain treaty rights across their ceded lands and usual and accustomed areas that ensure the Tribes can fish, hunt and gather its resources throughout the John Day, Hood River and the majority of the Deschutes Basin.
About Portland General Electric Company
Portland General Electric (NYSE: POR) is an integrated energy company that generates, transmits and distributes electricity to nearly 950,000 customers serving an area of 1.9 million Oregonians. Since 1889, Portland General Electric (PGE) has been powering social progress, delivering safe, affordable, reliable and increasingly clean electricity while working to transform energy systems to meet evolving customer needs. PGE customers have set the standard for prioritizing clean energy with the No. 1 voluntary renewable energy program in the country. PGE was ranked the No. 1 utility in the 2024 Forrester U.S. Customer Experience Index and is committed to reducing emissions from its retail power supply by 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. In 2024, PGE employees, retirees and the PGE Foundation donated $5.5 million and volunteered nearly 23,000 hours to more than 480 nonprofit organizations. For more information visit
OREGON CITY – The Clackamas Community College Alexander Gallery presents “Terry Blas: Sequentially,” an exhibition of comic book illustration, design and writing by Portland-based artist Terry Blas. This exhibition runs March 31-April 30. An artist reception will be held Wednesday, April 9, noon-1 p.m., and Blas will speak about his work at 12:30 p.m.
In “Terry Blas: Sequentially” large-scale digital projection showcases original comic illustrations, storyboard and script-writing that celebrates the work of Terry Blas. Through this exhibition, viewers are invited to experience the process of comic book construction from beginning inspiration to creation of the final graphic novel.
Blas is an award-winning illustrator and writer behind viral webcomics, “You Say Latino” and “You Say Latinx.” His writing has been included in Marvel, Steven Universe and Rick and Morty.
The Alexander Gallery is located in the Niemeyer Center on the Clackamas Community College Oregon City campus, 19600 Molalla Ave., and is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., with the exception of college holidays.
This exhibition is free and open to the public. For questions, contact Kate Simmons at 503-594-3032 or For more information on Clackamas Community College’s art exhibits and performances, visit
EUGENE, Ore. – Early registration ticket pricing for Oregon’s largest Urban and Community Forestry Conference has been extended to midnight on Sunday, April 13. The one-day conference will be held again this year on Thursday, May 15 at Venue 252 in downtown Eugene. It is put on by the non-profit organization Oregon Community Trees in partnership with the Oregon Department of Forestry and USDA Forest Service. Co-presenting sponsors are OUR Community Forestry and Portland Urban Forestry.
The conference’s theme – Growing Together: Collaboration and Diverse Voices in Urban Forestry – will feature speakers and panelists providing insights into:
Keynote speaker Christine Carmichael, PhD, will be flying in from Michigan to share historic, current, and future trends in diversity, equity, and inclusion in the urban forestry field.
There will also be panels discussing workforce development and collaborating with diverse communities, including Oregon’s Tribal nations. OUR Community Forestry, which is co-sponsoring this year’s conference, will also share its experience working with communities in southern Oregon, including Talent, a large portion of which was destroyed by the 2020 Almeda Fire. Continuing education credits are being sought for the conference.
According to Scott Altenhoff, who is Manager of the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Urban and Community Forestry Program, conference attendees will learn ideas for how cities can be more successful at getting trees into neighborhoods that have below-average tree canopy, often because of historic inequities. “These often low-income areas are at greatest risk from extreme heat events and adverse health effects from lack of large, healthy trees nearby,” he said. “Yet they can be challenging places to try and establish tree canopy, not least being narrow or non-existent planting strips for street trees.”
Oregon Community Trees Conference Co-Chair Heidi Lakics said she’s excited about the conference this year. “It will bring together people who care passionately about meeting Oregonians’ needs for more trees with others interested in opening up opportunities for more people to find good jobs in the arboriculture and urban forestry fields,” she said.
Early registration is $150 until April 13 and $180 after that date ($170 if the person registering lives or works in a Tree City USA community). Students can register for $80 at any time before registration ends May 8. Price includes a boxed lunch and a social hour beverage and snacks following the conference. To register, go to Growing Together: Collaboration and Diverse Voices in Urban Forestry
About Oregon Community Trees
The mission of this non-profit, Oregon-based organization is to promote healthy urban and community forests through leadership, education, awareness and advocacy.
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(TUALATIN, Ore.) — The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) strongly condemns the Trump administration’s announcement to eliminate 10,000 positions from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This is a calculated and catastrophic assault on the public health system that healthcare workers and patients across Oregon rely on every day.
“This is not streamlining. This is sabotage,” said Tamie Cline, RN, ONA President. “Slashing the workforce at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the middle of overlapping public health crises will put lives at risk. Healthcare professionals in Oregon and across the country are already stretched thin, and this makes our jobs harder, our communities sicker, and our public institutions weaker.”
The Trump administration’s plan would gut the CDC’s ability to respond to disease outbreaks, limit the NIH’s capacity to fund life-saving research, and hamstring the FDA’s oversight of food and drug safety. These federal agencies are essential partners in safeguarding public health and ensuring healthcare workers have the resources, data, and support needed to care for their communities. Weakening them is an attack on the health and safety of every person in this state.
Some of the potential impacts of these reckless cuts include:
Disease Outbreaks and Emergency Response: Oregon received more than $8.4 million through the CDC’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness program in FY2023, funding over 100 positions that help the state respond to wildfires, floods, and disease outbreaks. Cuts to CDC staffing threaten this funding and leave Oregon less prepared to protect public health during emergencies.
Opioid Overdose and Suicide Prevention: The CDC allocated nearly $4 million to Oregon in FY2023 for opioid overdose prevention and nearly $1 million for suicide prevention. These programs fund naloxone distribution, peer recovery mentorship, and crisis intervention services; programs that may disappear if federal support and staffing are gutted.
Lead Poisoning Prevention: Oregon’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program received over $500,000 in federal funding to identify and eliminate lead exposure risks, particularly for low-income children. Cuts to CDC personnel jeopardize this funding and threaten to increase preventable childhood lead poisoning cases across the state.
Medical Research at OHSU: Oregon Health & Science University received $277 million from the National Institutes of Health in FY2024 to support research on cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other life-threatening diseases. Slashing NIH staff by over 1,000 positions could delay or reduce future grant opportunities, setting back life-saving research led by Oregon scientists.
The consequences will be felt most acutely by those already struggling to access care; reduced access to mental health and addiction services in rural Oregon, stalled research on chronic diseases at Oregon’s top academic institutions, and delayed approval of critical medications and treatments. Healthcare providers will be left without the federal support we rely on to deliver safe, effective care.
While most of Oregon’s congressional delegation has consistently stood up for healthcare workers and opposed these reckless cuts, U.S. Rep. Cliff Bentz has remained silent. Silence is complicity. The Oregon Nurses Association calls on Rep. Bentz to publicly oppose this dangerous plan. Oregon cannot afford one more politician sitting on the sidelines while our public health infrastructure is dismantled.
“Healthcare workers know what it takes to keep our communities safe,” Cline said. “We are calling this what it is: a dangerous, politically motivated effort to break public health in order to break public trust. And we will not let that happen without a fight.”
ONA urges healthcare professionals, patients, and advocates across Oregon to raise their voices, contact their representatives, and demand that these cuts be stopped before more damage is done.
The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) represents a diverse community of more than 23,000 nurses, and health care professionals throughout Oregon. Together, we use our collective power to advocate for critical issues impacting patients, nurses, and health care professionals including a more effective, affordable and accessible healthcare system; better working conditions for all health care professionals; and healthier communities. For more information visit
Voters who live within the boundaries of Battle Ground Public Schools will soon receive ballots for the April 22 election. On the ballot is a replacement education and operations levy for Battle Ground Public Schools. If approved, the levy would continue to fund programs and services that affect every school in the district.
Voters are invited to attend an upcoming presentation to learn about the levy.
Presentation dates
Tuesday, April 8, 5:30 p.m. at the Lewisville campus (406 NW Fifth Ave., Battle Ground)
Wednesday, April 16, 5:30 p.m. at Prairie High School (11311 NE 119th St., Vancouver)
All presentations are open to the public. Childcare and light refreshments will be provided. For ASL services, please email at least five days prior to the presentation that you would like to attend. More information about Proposition 9 is available on the district website.
It’s always a good time to prepare for a water emergency. As climate change drives up the intensity and regularity of wildfires—and with the ever-present threat of a large Cascadia earthquake—it's important to have a plan.
But preparedness isn’t just for big emergencies like wildfires or earthquakes. We need to be ready for anything that could temporarily interrupt water service. A common water emergency is a main break in the neighborhood. The most important thing you can do to prepare is to store a backup water supply of 14 gallons per person, which should last about two weeks if necessary.
See below to learn how you can get and stay prepared and what the Portland Water Bureau is doing to prepare for emergencies.
What you can do
By preparing in advance for emergencies, you can help keep yourself, your household, and your community safe after emergencies—even if essential services like water are temporarily disrupted.
Here’s how to get started:
What we're doing
Emergency preparedness is one of our top priorities as an organization and we include it in all our work. We invest in our water system to keep our infrastructure healthy and resilient. When planning, we expect the unexpected. We make our long-term plans flexible and responsive so we can adapt to changing conditions and unforeseen events as they arise. For example, we know climate change is an ongoing issue, so we prepare for its impacts in all our work.
By accounting for emergencies in our planning and by investing in our infrastructure, we maintain a resilient water system that can survive a variety of emergencies:
And it doesn’t stop there—all our infrastructure investments, system improvements, and adaptive plans work together to prepare our system for coping with emergencies of all kinds.
Watch how-to videos and read about how to start preparing for emergencies with water in:
Español (Spanish)| Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)|العربية (Arabic)| 华语(中文)(Chinese)|ខ្មែរ (Khmer) | 한국어 (Korean) | हिन्दी भाषा (Hindi)|Русский (Russian)|Soomaali (Somali)|فارسی (Farsi)|ພາສາລາວ (Lao)
The Portland Water Bureau serves water to almost a million people in the Portland area. Portland’s water system includes two great water sources, 54 tanks and reservoirs, and 2,250 miles of pipes. With 600 employees working on everything from water treatment to customer service, the Water Bureau is committed to serving excellent water every minute of every day.
With the beginning of spring, many find themselves “spring cleaning” and spending more time outdoors. Spring is a great time to review a safety checklist for your home and complete a few updates that could save your life.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms save lives – if they are powered by a fresh battery. Test smoke alarm batteries monthly and replace the battery at least once a year. Anytime the alarm makes a "chirping" sound, replace the batteries immediately.
Smoke alarms should be located in every bedroom and in the common areas on each floor of a home. Mount them at least 10 feet from the stove to reduce false alarms, less than 12 inches from the ceiling, and away from windows, doors, and ducts.
Smoke alarms can be interconnected wirelessly which means when one sounds, they all sound. This is a quick way to notify everyone in a home if there is a fire.
When installing or replacing smoke alarms, purchase and install new alarms.
Practice how your family will react if smoke alarms go off and consider how that looks at different times through the day or at night. Do not forget to plan your escape from each room and include pets in the process.
The National Fire Protection Association has additional resources on smoke alarm safety.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an invisible, odorless gas, that can kill you. Anything that burns fuel can potentially become a source of carbon monoxide. CO detectors should be installed in a central location outside each bedroom and on every level of the home.
Similar to smoke alarms, test CO detectors’ batteries monthly and replace them at least once a year or sooner if needed.
Consider interconnecting the detectors to alert the entire household at once.
Make sure vents for your gas appliances (fireplace, dryer, stove, furnace, etc.) are free and clear of snow and debris.
Only use gas powered grills and generators outside and away from doors, window, or air intakes.
Household Emergency Plan
Every household needs an emergency plan, especially in the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event. Take time to create and review that plan with family, household members, and any neighbors that may have a part in the plan. Consider how your household will react to different emergencies, plan for evacuation routes and alternative routes, and review your emergency supplies. Remember, disasters can strike at any time. Consider what your actions will be if something happens at work, school, the grocery store, and in other areas you frequent.
Emergency plan necessities:
A communications plan to outline how your family/household members will contact each another and where you will meet if you need to evacuate.
A shelter-in-place plan. This is often necessary during events where outside air is contaminated and unsafe. Remember to prepare supplies for sealing windows, doors, and air vents with plastic sheeting.
An evacuation plan with various routes and destinations. If your household has access and functional needs, pets, livestock, or expensive equipment, plan on evacuating sooner so there is more time to safely leave the area. Before there is a disaster, research what friends, family, or hotels can accommodate your pets and livestock during an emergency.
A home and car emergency kit. Your emergency kit should include at least one gallon of water per day for each person, at least a 3-day supply of non-perishable food, flashlight or headlamp and batteries, first aid kit, filter mask, plastic sheeting and duct tape, and medicines. On the Oregon coast, it is recommended that households have enough supplies to be self-sufficient for at least 3-weeks. Unable to prepare 3-weeks of supplies? Some emergency supplies are still better than no emergency supplies.
A plan and supplies for your household’s unique needs. Don’t forget to plan for special circumstances such as mobility challenges, medical conditions, allergies, and other things that impact your household’s comfort, health, and safety.
Be prepared, not scared. Visit for a complete list and other tips for making your family’s emergency plan.
For more information and tips visit our website at and like us on Facebook at Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office – Oregon.
The Willamette Water Supply System Commission Board meeting will be held Thursday April 3, 2025 at Noon.
Location: This meeting will not be held at a physical location. If you wish to attend remotely, please contact or call 971-222-5957 for dial-in information by 9:00 AM on April 3.
If you wish to address the WWSS Board, please contact or call 971-222-5957 to request the Public Comment Form and return it 48 hours prior to the day of the meeting.
The meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities and those who need qualified bilingual interpreters. Please contact or call 971-222-5957 to request an interpreter for the hearing impaired, a bilingual interpreter, or for other accommodations should be made at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board meeting agenda packet and additional information regarding the Willamette Water Supply Systems are available on the WWSS Commission website:
Portland, Ore., March 27, 2025 – Registration is live for the annual Oregon Spring Cleanup presented by Portland General Electric! With over 100 events already posted on the SOLVE website, now is the time to get involved. Litter cleanups and habitat restoration projects span Portland and SW Washington, the entire Oregon Coast from Astoria to Brookings, the Willamette National Forest, Southern Oregon—including Medford—and all the way to Baker City in Eastern Oregon.
The Oregon Spring Cleanup, celebrating Earth Month, takes place from April 12 to 22, 2025, culminating on Saturday, April 19. Individuals, families, community and corporate groups are encouraged to participate in this collective effort to keep our region clean and beautiful. Volunteers can sign up for existing projects or host their own events with support from SOLVE.
Longtime community partner, Portland General Electric continues to champion environmental volunteerism through SOLVE. As part of PGE’s commitment to environmental stewardship, they partner with SOLVE to bring communities together to provide clean and healthy environments for all.
"Earth Month is great reminder to take action and continue to enhance our communities,” said PGE’s vice president of policy and resource planning, Kristen Sheeran. “This Earth Month, we’re ready to roll up our sleeves with SOLVE and all of the volunteer partners to make a lasting impact on Oregon’s natural spaces."
How to Get Involved
Supply Hubs: Making Coastal Cleanups More Sustainable
At SOLVE, we make it easy to lead a cleanup event. This year, new coastal supply hubs provide an additional way to access event materials, making it even easier to host litter cleanups along the Oregon Coast.
Through a partnership with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) and generous support from Knife River, SOLVE has established seven supply hubs along the Oregon Coast. These hubs—located at Cape Lookout, Fort Stevens, Port Orford Heads, South Beach, and Sunset Bay within OPRD parks, along with Heart of Cartm in Nehalem and Washed Ashore in Bandon—are stocked with supplies to support cleanups of up to 20 volunteers, reducing the shipment of single-use plastics to these areas.
Join the Trash Bag Challenge
New this year, SOLVE is also launching the Trash Bag Challenge, inviting schools, businesses, community groups, and organizations to challenge others to either join an existing cleanup or lead their own. This initiative is designed to spark friendly competition and community pride while making a tangible difference in local areas.
The Oregon Spring Cleanup 2025 is made possible by the generous support of Portland General Electric and other event sponsors, including AAA, CareOregon, Clean Water Services, Fred Meyer, Holman Enterprises, KOIN 6, The Oregonian, Lam Research Corporation, Metro, Lithia Driveway, Intel, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Swire Coca-Cola, The Standard, and PepsiCo.
For more information and to sign up, visit and be part of the collective effort to create a cleaner, greener Oregon.
SOLVE brings communities together to take care of our environment and enhance our waterways. Since 1969, the organization has grown from a small, grassroots initiative to a national model of volunteer action. Today, SOLVE mobilizes and trains thousands of volunteers of all ages across Oregon, and SW Washington, to clean and restore our neighborhoods and natural areas, while empowering a community of environmental stewards for our state. Visit for more information.
In the early morning hours of Thursday, March 27, 2025 deputies from the Yamhill County Sheriff’s Office responded to a shooting incident at a residence located in the 46000 block of SW Lachance Road in rural Grand Ronde. The homeowner rendered aid to the victim until law enforcement and medics arrived at the scene. The victim is a Sheridan man who was shot multiple times. He was transported to a regional hospital for critical care treatment and his prognosis at this time is unknown. The homeowner remained at the scene and was fully cooperative with law enforcement. Alcohol consumption was a factor in this incident.
The suspect is a resident of Woodburn. He initially fled the scene though he was briefly in contact by telephone with 911. After several hours of intensive efforts to locate him, the suspect turned himself in to law enforcement.
This investigation is ongoing and additional information will be released later today. Anyone with direct knowledge of this incident is asked to contact Detective Sergeant Will Lavish by calling 503-434-7506.
There is no danger to the public at this time related to this incident and there are no suspects at large in connection with this investigation. We would like to thank the personnel of the Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department, the Grand Ronde Fire Department, the Newberg-Dundee Police Department, the Salem Police Department, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, and the Woodburn Police Department for their assistance with this incident.”
Sheriff Sam Elliott
On March 21, 2025, more than 250 sixth graders from Cowlitz County public schools gathered at the Longview First Baptist Church for the annual Youth Leadership and Prevention Summit, a full-day conference designed to build leadership skills, confidence, and promote the importance of healthy behaviors.
This year’s theme, “Find Your Good: Lifesaving Leadership,” was woven into various workshops, covering topics such as drug education and prevention, mental health, and leadership. Students were encouraged to work with their Student Assistance Professionals (SAPs), counselors, and teachers to create positive change–whether big or small–in their classrooms. They also learned strategies to educate and support their peers on these important topics.
“Being a student leader means being kind and respecting one another,” said Maverick from Huntington Middle School. “This event builds up student leaders because they can learn how to be kind.”
This year’s keynote speaker was Jake White from Vive18, a national drug prevention platform that provides engaging education and programming to save student lives and create a safer school environment. He encouraged Cowlitz County youth to think about the impact of their choices, expressing that their leadership has the power to save lives. White has spoken to tens of thousands of high school and college students and has been featured on USA Today and ABC News.
Students play a vital role in the event, both as participants and organizers. In 2022, when large gatherings were limited due to COVID-19, Castle Rock Middle School students planned and implemented a smaller summit for Castle Rock and Toutle Lake students and additional events at interested schools. In the following years, students helped plan the regional summit, led workshops, emceed, and were an integral part of the event setup.
The youth summit was sponsored by Community Prevention Wellness Initiative (CPWI) Coalitions, a collaboration between Hilander HOPE (Kelso), EPIC (Longview), and CARE (Castle Rock) Coalitions. All three coalitions are funded by the Washington State Health Care Authority.
“The summit aims to empower students to realize their potential and voice in leadership,” said Lindsey Worley, who has been involved with the CARE Coalition for over 20 years. “We want to guide students to recognize their strengths and confidence to become school and community leaders.”
During the summit, ESD 112’s Prevent Coalition hosted a training for prevention professionals who work directly with students to foster safe school environments. The training, “From Fun to Framework: How to Create Sustainable, Substance Free Youth Movements,” engaged participants in creating sustainable, student-led prevention clubs and explored ways to empower student advocacy and strengthen prevention efforts in schools and the community.
The Cowlitz County Youth Leadership and Prevention Summit has been a cornerstone event for this community since 2003 when the Cowlitz Substance Abuse Coalition (CSAC) and the Cowlitz Meth Action Team coordinated the first summit. The event was funded by CSAC’s Drug-Free Communities Grant and received support from local agencies and faith-based communities, providing space, time, and supplies. The summit was created to bring together youth, empowering them to create change and become leaders in their community–a goal that continues to guide the event today.
The summit’s success would not have been possible without the support of this year’s community partners:
Toutle Lake High School Prevention Team
Castle Rock Schools WEB Crew Program
Community Prevention Wellness Initiative’s goal is to support proven strategies that will have a long-term, positive impact on youth and families. CPWI is being implemented through active partnerships with counties, Educational Service Districts (ESDs), local school districts, and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Learn more and see CPWI community locations in the CPWI handout.
At approx. 4pm on Wednesday Vancouver fire was dispatched to a fire in a commercial building located at 15606 Mill Plain in East Vancouver. Multiple 911 callers reported flames coming from the roof. The first fire engine arrived within 4 minutes and found smoke and fire showing from the roof of a 1 story commercial building and a fire located inside the kitchen. Initial arriving fire crews pulled hose lines inside the building to fight the fire, prevent further fire spread, and search for people inside. A Vancouver Fire ladder truck worked on the roof of the building to ensure no fire spread through the attic and provide ventilation to exhaust the smoke from inside the building. The fire was quickly controlled in the kitchen and was declared under control in less than 20 minutes. The fire is being investigated by the Vancouver Fire Marshal’s Office. 11 units responded to this fire.
RELEASE DATE: March 27, 2025
CASE NUMBER: 25-12250
Gresham, Ore.— Detectives are investigating an early morning fatal stabbing in the Rockwood neighborhood.
Officers with Gresham Police Department responded to reports of a stabbing in the 20000 block of NE Glisan St., at approximately 12:30 a.m. They found one person who was deceased.
The East County Major Crimes Team, a multi-agency team comprised of detectives from Gresham Police Department, Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Oregon State Police, and the Port of Portland Police Department, responded and are investigating the incident. Detectives advised there is no danger to the public. No further information is available at this time.
Anyone with information about this case is asked to contact Detective Snider at or Detective Pick at and reference case number 25-12250.
On Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 5:46 p.m., officers from the North Precinct responded to reports of a crash in the 17000 block of Northeast Marine Drive. Officers arrived to find a large pick-up truck and small sport utility vehicle involved in a head-on collision. Two occupants of the truck did not appear to be suffering from any injuries. The driver of the SUV was transported to an area hospital with life-threatening injuries.
The Portland Police Bureau Major Crash Team has responded to the scene to investigate. During the investigation, Northeast Marine Drive will be closed from Northeast 158th Avenue to Northeast 185th Avenue.
If anyone has information about the incident, please contact, attention Traffic Investigations Unit, and reference case number 25-077554.
Vancouver, Wash. – The March 26 Clark County Climate Project Community Advisory Group meeting has been canceled due to a severe weather watch. The meeting will be rescheduled to another time in the future.
March 26, 2024
Media Contact: Amber Shoebridge">
The Joint Commission identifies threat to patient health and safety at Oregon State Hospital
(Salem, OR)_ The Joint Commission (TJC) notified Oregon State Hospital (OSH) today that it has identified a serious threat to patient health and safety at the hospital based on findings during a survey that took place March 24-25 on the Salem campus, in response to a sentinel event. The surveyor observed unit activity, reviewed video footage and documentation (including clinical documentation, policies, training records, and more), and conducted staff interviews.
The survey identified conditions that TJC believes could pose a serious threat to patient health and safety in three areas:
OSH leadership has prioritized the TJC findings and assigned workgroup leads for each of the deficiencies. Those individuals have started building their teams to develop immediate remediation plans. OSH leadership has also reached out to union leaders to make sure represented staff who know the work well are included on those teams. OSH took immediate actions to activate an existing plan to create a seclusion response team and is already seeing positive results.
TJC will conduct a follow-up survey no later than Thursday, April 17 to validate whether or not OSH has remediated the threats identified in the survey.
If successful, TJC will reaffirm OSH’s accreditation status and conduct at least one follow-up survey to assess OSH’s sustained implementation of its corrective actions.
Portland, Ore.— Today, the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability’s Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) opened applications for its Community Grants Program funding cycle. This will be the fourth round of funding strictly allocated for community-led projects and will distribute up to $67 million in grants across five categories:
The Community Grants program is a cornerstone of PCEF’s work, ensuring priority populations in Portland are leading climate solutions. Community-led projects advance climate justice and reduce emissions for Portlanders, especially those hit first and hardest by climate change. Past projects include improving energy efficiency in affordable housing, expanding access to regenerative farming, planting trees to cool neighborhoods, creating career pathways in the green workforce, or making biking and walking safer and more accessible.
As PCEF’s primary grantmaking initiative, the program funds both planning and implementation projects, ensuring organizations have the resources to develop and carry out community-led climate solutions. By centering PCEF priority populations, the program helps ensure that the benefits of climate action are accessible, equitable, and impactful for all Portlanders.
Applicants can access a variety of resources to assist with their application and are encouraged to attend application office hours, review the applicant handbook, and review guidance materials. Information is available on the PCEF website.
In 2020, City Council declared that “a human-made climate emergency threatens our city, our region, our state, our nation, humanity, and the natural world,” and called for “an immediate mobilization effort initiating greater action, resources, and collaboration that prioritizes frontline communities to restore a safe climate.”
The Community Grant Program works to advance a climate-resilient Portland. PCEF has already granted more than $219 million in funds that support under-resourced communities in our city. The PCEF program progress dashboard can be viewed online.
The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) oversees a world-renowned waste and recycling system and leads the country in its commitment to digital equity, open data, and protecting communities in the application of technologies. Staff collaborate with partners on neighborhood, economic, historic, and environmental planning and provide research, policy, and technical services to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as policies and actions to address climate change. The bureau also oversees the innovative Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF).
The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) initiative was passed by 65% of Portland voters in November 2018. It provides a consistent, long-term funding source and oversight structure to ensure that our community's climate action efforts are implemented to support social, economic and environmental benefits for all Portlanders, particularly communities of color and low-income residents. The initiative was supported by a broad coalition of groups and individuals and represents the first environmental initiative in Oregon led by communities of color.
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is part of the City’s Community and Economic Development service area, which also includes the Portland Housing Bureau, Portland Permitting and Development, Prosper Portland, the Enhanced Services Districts Program, and the Spectator Venues and Visitor Activities Program. The Community and Economic Development service area aligns City programs focused on building prosperity for all Portlanders by creating and delivering efficient, transparent, and equitable solutions for a resilient built environment – and services, resources, and experiences for our community.
Correction: This alert has been updated to accurately report the law enforcement case number.
(Salem) – Belia Cardoza, age 4, went missing with her father Sammy Cardoza from Portland on March 19. The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), Child Welfare Division believes that Belia Cardoza may be at risk and is searching for her to assess her safety.
ODHS asks the public to help in the effort to find Belia Cardoza. Anyone who suspects they have information about the location of Belia Cardoza or Sammy Cardoza should call 911 or the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE (7233).
They are believed to be in the Portland area but could be traveling to Texas, California, Virginia, or Minneapolis, MN. Belia may also be with her father’s partner, Hannah Semone Sigari.
Name: Belia Cardoza
Pronouns: She/Hers
Date of birth: July 13, 2020
Height: 3 feet
Weight: 35 pounds
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Gresham Police Department Case #25-11993
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children #2046324
Sometimes when a child is missing they may be in significant danger and ODHS may need to locate them to assess and support their safety. As ODHS works to do everything it can to find these missing children and assess their safety, media alerts will be issued in some circumstances when it is determined necessary. Sometimes, in these situations, a child may go missing repeatedly, resulting in more than one media alert for the same child.
Report child abuse to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline by calling 1-855-503-SAFE (7233). This toll-free number allows you to report abuse of any child or adult to the Oregon Department of Human Services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year.
CAMAS, WA – Camas School District is pleased to announce that Claire Murray will serve as the next principal of Prune Hill Elementary, beginning in the 2025-26 school year. Murray is currently associate principal at Woodburn Elementary and will succeed longtime Prune Hill principal Julie Swan, who will retire at the end of June after years of dedicated service to students, staff, and families.
With over 17 years of experience in education and six years in school leadership, Claire Murray brings a deep commitment to inclusive education, instructional excellence, and a collaborative culture. In her five years at Woodburn, she has been instrumental in leading school-wide efforts around equity, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), social-emotional learning, and academic intervention systems. Her leadership has helped build strong partnerships with families and staff, always keeping student success at the center.
“Claire is a thoughtful and innovative leader who values relationships and fosters a sense of belonging,” said Superintendent John Anzalone. “She brings a student-centered approach to everything she does and has earned the trust and respect of colleagues across the district.”
Murray has worked closely with Principal Julie Swan over the past five years, and the two share a common vision for nurturing a supportive and inclusive learning environment. “Prune Hill has a strong foundation, and I am excited to continue and expand on the amazing work happening there,” said Murray. “It is an honor to step into this role and serve the students, families, and staff of Prune Hill.”
Murray holds a Master of Education and an Administrative Credential from Western Governors University, as well as a Bachelor's degree in History from Thomas Edison State University. She is also a certified trainer in equity modules and the science of reading and has served on multiple district-level leadership teams.
Clark County Sheriff John Horch and Battle Ground Police Chief Dennis Flynn will host a Town Hall on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the Battle Ground Event Center (912 E. Main St., Battle Ground, WA).
Sheriff Horch and Chief Flynn invite the community to discuss public safety topics, share concerns, and hear updates on local law enforcement efforts. Members of both agencies will be available to answer questions and provide insight into how the Clark County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) and the Battle Ground Police Department (BGPD) collaborate to enhance community safety.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Time: 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.
Location: Battle Ground Event Center, 912 E. Main St., Battle Ground, WA
No registration is required, and all community members are encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact the Clark County Sheriff’s Office at 564-397-2366 or email" target="_blank">
See the attached flyer for additional details.
What: The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) filled an order today to send 11 additional firefighters to North Carolina to support their suppression efforts. This would make the total number of ODF firefighters in North Carolina 37, not including two agency representatives.
The 11 firefighters being deployed include: five from ODF’s Southwest Oregon District, two from the Central Oregon District, two from the Northeast Oregon District and two from the Forest Grove District.
Firefighters are anticipated to be on assignment for 14 days.
Background: Over the weekend of March 21, the Oregon Department of Forestry filled a resource order to send 26 firefighters to North Carolina via a state-to-state mutual aid agreement. That initial group arrived in North Carolina on Sunday, March 23.
With increased fire activity in the state, North Carolina has requested more help and in response the Oregon Department of Forestry is able to send 11 more firefighters.
When: The firefighters will depart from their respective airport tomorrow morning. Airports may vary depending on where the firefighters are based in Oregon.
Media Contact: For more information or interview requests, please contact Jessica Neujahr,
DATE: March 26, 2025
Correction: 03/26/2025 | 2:15 p.m.
The ages of the victims were incorrectly reported in the original statement. When the crimes occurred, two victims were 12 years old, and the third victim was 17 years old.
# # #
Originally published: 03/26/2025 | 1:15 p.m.
Detectives search for additional victims in sex crimes case
Salem, Ore. — Damien Matthew Arellano was arrested in California on March 3 for several sex crimes involving three Salem girls between the ages of 12 and 13.
The investigation began in January of this year; however, Arellano, who lives in Salem, fled the state. On February 20, a Marion County Grand Jury indicted Arellano on two counts of first-degree sex abuse, second-degree unlawful sexual penetration, and second-degree rape.
A US Marshals Service task force located Arellano in the Los Angeles, California area and was taken into custody without incident. Arellano was extradited to Oregon and is now lodged at the Marion County Jail on the listed charges.
As a result of the investigation, detectives suspect there may be other Salem minors who were victimized by the 19-year-old Arellano. A recent image of him is included.
Anyone with information about Arellano is urged to contact Special Victims Unit Detective Sabrina Hunter at 503-540-2443.
# # #
The Public Safety Memorial Fund Board will hold a regular meeting on April 24, 2025, directly following the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training meeting that begins at 9:00 am. at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training located at 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE Salem. For further information, please contact Juan Lopez at (503) 551-3167.
Agenda Items
1. Introductions
2. Approve January 23, 2025, Meeting Minutes
3. Budget Update
Presented by Kathy McAlpine
4. Sergeant Brian Gaunt (DPSST #37820); Beaverton Police Department; Supplemental Application for Discretionary PSMF Benefits
Presented by Kathy McAlpine
5. Next meeting – July 24, 2025, directly following the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Administrative Announcement
This is a public meeting, subject to the public meeting law and it will be recorded.
Clark County Sheriff John Horch and Battle Ground Police Chief Dennis Flynn will host a Town Hall on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the Battle Ground Event Center (912 E. Main St., Battle Ground, WA).
Sheriff Horch and Chief Flynn invite the community to discuss public safety topics, share concerns, and hear updates on local law enforcement efforts. Members of both agencies will be available to answer questions and provide insight into how the Clark County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) and the Battle Ground Police Department (BGPD) collaborate to enhance community safety.
This town hall is part of an ongoing effort to engage with residents and promote transparency in law enforcement. Sheriff Horch has hosted multiple community meetings, including previous events in Five Corners, Camas, Salmon Creek, and Ridgefield.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Time: 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.
Location: Battle Ground Event Center, 912 E. Main St., Battle Ground, WA
No registration is required, and all community members are encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact the Clark County Sheriff’s Office at 564-397-2366 or email" rel="noreferrer noopener" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; text-decoration-line: none;" target="_blank">
See the attached flyer for additional details.
More than half of the Chief Umtuch Middle School students who participated in the regional National History Day event at iTech Prep in Vancouver March 8 are headed to the state competition in Kirkland next month.
“I am so very proud of the caliber of work that our students created this year,” said Beth Doughty, a teacher in the school’s ASPIRE program for highly capable learners. “They chose topics that were original and creative.” Doughty advises the contest along with her teaching partner, Jon Nesbitt.
This is the 50th anniversary of the National History Day competition. This year’s theme of “Rights and responsibilities” focused on questions such as “Who decides who has rights?” and “How have people, governments or institutions decided what parameters should be set to enforce responsibilities?”
Eighth grader Zelia Anderson took home first place at regionals with her individual exhibit on the Radium Girls, a group of women who developed serious health problems in the late 20th century after using paint containing the radioactive substance. Their lawsuit helped scientists understand the risks associated with radium and guided government regulations to establish better safety standards and the use of protective gear.
“It's really interesting to see how people have changed their views,” Anderson said, “and how people look at the world differently over time.”
Lorelai Wilde and her partner, Avery Popkes-Perez, created a website detailing the history of the Rajneesh cult that formed in Antelope, Oregon, in the 1980s.
“A lot of the early research focuses on Osho, or Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, because he was the leader,” Wilde said. “But when you investigate some of the criminal allegations against them, most of that was from Ma Anand Sheela, Osho’s personal secretary. I just thought that was really interesting how you don’t hear much about her.”
Alyson Seleen Ovando took home a top prize with her paper on the stock market crash of 1929.
“I think it is really important to think about history, especially in comparison to today,” Ovando said. “We learn how to improve, how not to repeat mistakes and the origin of things, even outside of our country.”
DJ Frazier and his partners, Seiji Garcia, Zander Holton and Harrison Parker, tackled another weighty subject in their group performance: the internment of Japanese Americans and others during World War II.
“We had to focus a lot on making sure we were using reliable sources,” Frazier said, “like websites with a .edu or .gov address, or sources that can’t be edited like Wikipedia can. We found a lot through museum sites, Encyclopedia Britannica, stuff like that.”
“The National History Day program has been a critical part of what we do for over a decade,” Doughty said. “This project enables me to teach students Washington state essential learning standards, including research techniques, citing evidence, writing with clarity, creating a professional product, presenting to an audience and articulating their arguments. It also provides students with a lot of choice in their final project topic that is driven by genuine interests.”
Other students who are moving on to state include:
Noah Sawczuk, 1st place for his individual documentary on the Nuremberg trials.
Lilly Alcock, 2nd place for her individual exhibit on Title IX in women’s sports.
Addie Staley, 3rd place for her individual exhibit on the assassinated conservationist Dian Fossey.
Eva Tormohlen, 4th place for her individual exhibit on the Actresses Franchise League.
Breena Gilliland and Scarlette Tenold, 1st place for their group documentary on Castle Bravo.
Olive DeGiovanni and Brooklynn Lee, 5th place for their group exhibit on Sequoia National Park.
Doughty has routinely sent at least one student to the NHD finals in Washington, DC. This year, she’s optimistic they’ll be sending more than one student to the nation’s capital this June.
SALEM, Ore. — The Smoke Management Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, April 1, from 1 to 2 p.m. To join, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda.
The committee’s agenda includes:
Welcome and roll call
Committee business - Introduction to letter
Public comment
Discussion & decision - Letter content and vote
The meeting is open to the public to attend virtually. There will be a period for public comment. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting by contacting" target="_blank">Shelby Berry at 503-949-5181.
View more information on the SMAC webpage.
Created by the Legislature in 1989, the five-member committee assists and advises the Oregon Department of Forestry in carrying out its Smoke Management Program. Members are appointed by the State Forester to serve a two-year term, which is renewable.
The Historic Trust is pleased to welcome Steve Edmiston and his fascinating presentation, UFO Northwest: How Washington State Spawned the Men In Black to Vancouver.
On August 1, 1947, the tragic crash of a B-25 bomber in Washington State triggered an FBI investigation of “The Maury Island Incident”—an infamous Northwest UFO sighting, and history’s first alleged encounter with the so-called “Men in Black.” The FBI’s records from 1947, which were sealed for decades, reveal Cold War fears, jurisdictional disputes, cover-ups, false confessions, a courageous FBI Special Agent, and the hands-on involvement of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
Relying on the FBI records, this talk exposes a Washington story that shapes our current UFO narratives, from 1950’s pulp magazines to the ubiquitous X-Files and Men in Black film franchises. Also examined: how the Northwest’s unique position in UFO history is challenged by others that assert contradictory narratives.
Steve Edmiston (he/him) is a business and entertainment lawyer with Bracepoint Law, and an indie film screenwriter and producer. Edmiston has keynoted for the Pacific Northwest History Conference, Washington State Historical Museum, McMenamins History Pubs, film festivals, conferences, and business groups. He was the screenwriter and co-producer of “The Maury Island Incident,” a short film chronicling the true story of Harold Dahl and his alleged 1947 sighting of a UFO over Puget Sound. Edmiston lives in Des Moines.
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
Time: 6 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: OO Howard House, 750 Anderson St., Vancouver, WA 98661
This program is offered free of charge, but space is limited. Please reserve your spot HERE.
Thank you to Humanities WA for their support in bringing this event to Vancouver. Special thanks to the NAACP Vancouver for joining us as our promotional partner for the 2025 series of speaker events.
Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County is joining more than 700 organizations across the world to support Food Waste Prevention Week. On March 18, the Clark County Council proclaimed April 7-13 to be Food Waste Prevention Week, a global movement to inspire cultural changes that reduce food waste at home, work and in communities.
Up to 38% of all food produced in the United States goes uneaten, causing significant economic, environmental, and social repercussions. Reducing wasted food:
In celebration of Food Waste Prevention Week, Clark County Green Neighbors is hosting two free events where community members can learn how to save money on groceries and reduce climate impacts:
For more information about Food Waste Prevention Week in Clark County, visit the Clark County Green Neighbors website.
Salem, Ore. — The National Weather Service says severe thunderstorms are expected across parts of the Pacific Northwest this afternoon and evening, with supercells possible west of the Cascades across Oregon into Washington. These storms may produce large hail, perhaps a tornado or two, and strong wind gusts. The Oregon Department of Emergency Management is encouraging people to take caution when travelling in Western Oregon today. Even if the chance of a tornado or severe storm appears slight, preparing ahead of time can make a significant difference.
Severe weather can lead to power outages. Take these steps now to prepare:
Visit the National Weather Service Thunderstorm Safety website:
For travel conditions make sure to visit:
Sign up for emergency alerts at:
Stay informed by monitoring local weather reports and signing up for OR-Alert to receive emergency notifications directly to your phone. Preparedness today can protect lives tomorrow. Stay alert, stay safe, and be ready.
Public Information Officer
Oregon Department of Emergency Management
503-394-3310 |" target="_blank">
It is the mission of the Oregon Department of Emergency Management to proactively develop emergency response, risk reduction and disaster recovery programs to better serve Oregonians during times of disaster. OEM prioritizes an equitable and inclusive culture of preparedness that empowers all Oregonians to thrive in times in crisis. The agency leads collaborative statewide efforts, inclusive of all partners and the communities we serve, to ensure capability to get help in an emergency and to protect, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies or disasters. For more information about the OEM, visit
You can get this document in other languages, large print, braille, or a format you prefer. For assistance, email" target="_blank"> or dial 711.
March 26, 2025
CONTACT INFORMATION:">Gail Krumenauer, State Employment Economist
(971) 301-3771
Video and Audio available at 10 a.m. PT
David Cooke, Economist (971) 375-5288
Oregon’s unemployment rate was 4.5% in February and 4.4% in January, after rising gradually over the past year from 4.1% in February 2024. Oregon’s 4.5% unemployment rate was the highest since August 2021, when the rate was 4.7%, and slightly higher than during the three years prior to the COVID recession that started in 2020. The U.S. unemployment rate was 4.1% in February and 4.0% in January.
In February, Oregon’s seasonally adjusted nonfarm payroll employment declined by 100 jobs, following a revised gain of 3,500 jobs in January. February’s gains were largest in professional and business services (+1,700 jobs); information (+700); manufacturing (+600); and government (+500). Declines were largest in construction (-2,200 jobs); private educational services (-900); and financial activities (-700).
Two industries within professional and business services bumped up hiring in February. Professional and technical services added 1,300 jobs on top of adding 1,100 in January. This followed a gradual downtrend of 1,500 jobs during the prior 22 months. Meanwhile, administrative and waste services added 400 jobs in February; however, despite the one-month gain, this industry was on a choppy downward trajectory during much of the past two years, having cut 5,600 jobs since its all-time high of 106,600 in March 2022.
Payroll employment grew slowly over the past 12 months, adding 18,500 jobs, or 0.9%, in that time. Job gains were strongest in health care and social assistance (+14,000 jobs, or 4.8%) and government (+8,700 jobs, or 2.8%). Meanwhile, manufacturing shed the most jobs of the major industries (-6,000 jobs, or -3.2%). Construction (-1,800 jobs, or -1.5%) and retail trade (-1,800 jobs, or -0.9%) each declined substantially since February 2024.
Next Press Releases
The Oregon Employment Department plans to release the February county and metropolitan area unemployment rates on Tuesday, April 1, and the next statewide unemployment rate and employment survey data for March on Wednesday, April 16.
What: We expect more than 85 volunteers to converge on Tillamook State Forest Saturday (March 29) to prepare hiking, biking, and equestrian trails for the busy summer season. We will have representatives from the Oregon Department of Forestry, State Forest Trust of Oregon, and leaders of volunteer trail group work parties and supporting organizations available for interviews.
Visuals: See volunteers working on trails impacted by winter storms including clearing downed trees, removing branches, repairing small washed-out trail sections, removing vegetation and other trail clearing activities.
People on-site available to interview: Joe Offer, Oregon Department of Forestry, Recreation, Education and Interpretation Manager; Kelly Lau, Executive Director State Forests Trust of Oregon; Nathan Frechen (Northwest Trail Alliance), Ryan McLane (Westside Trail Federation), Susan Schen (Trailkeepers of Oregon), and other volunteers as available from the State Forest Trust of Oregon, Daybreak Racing, Oregon Equestrian Trails, Cyclepath PDX and Starbucks.
When: March 29, 2025
Where: Meet at Smith Homestead in Tillamook State Forest. Map:
Then see work on 10 miles of the Wilson River Trail from Elk Creek Campground to the Tillamook Forest Center and other trail work in the area as desired.
Time: Meet at 8:30am (if you come at a later time, it might be harder to track down the work parties). Trail work ends at 2 p.m. followed by an after work get together with food from 2-3 p.m.
Please send an RSVP by March 28 so we can plan to meet you and facilitate interviews and travel. RSVP to For more information contact: Tim Hoffman, ODF public affairs, (503) 983-3761 (cell phone may not work on day of event with spotty coverage in many parts of the state forest.)
Wilson River Trail – Mega Work Party! – 3/29 – Northwest Trail Alliance
Vancouver, Wash. – During Monday’s State of the City address, Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle invited the public to participate in a design competition to create a new city flag for Vancouver.
“This is an opportunity for the public to help shape the identity of our community and be a part of Vancouver’s history,” said Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle. “We hope to create an enduring symbol of Vancouver that inspires a sense of belonging and unity among residents.”
How to participate
Visit for full contest rules and the design brief. Entries that do not follow the design brief will be disqualified. All ages are eligible to enter. Submissions by those under 18 will be accepted when submitted by a parent or legal guardian.
The submission portal will open in April, and designs are due by midnight on Flag Day, June 14. Participants may submit one design. The contest winner will receive credit for their design in City communications, a flag-raising ceremony, the Key to the City, and a City flag. Additional prize(s) will be announced later.
Judging process
The City Council will appoint a Flag Design Review Committee at an upcoming City Council meeting. The Committee will be responsible for selecting 10 flags as finalists
An online poll later this summer will invite Vancouver residents to share their preferred designs from the 10 finalists. The committee will use that information to inform the final design selection and one runner-up. The recommended design will be submitted to the City Council for final adoption. The committee reserves the right not to recommend a proposed flag if a suitable design is not submitted.
Flag background
Vancouver’s first flag was adopted by the Vancouver City Council in 1993. It was designed internally with limited public engagement and has remained the City flag for 30+ years. As described in the 1993 Staff Report, the current flag design represents Vancouver’s “emergence as a “world-class city and its strength and natural beauty.”
For more information, visit
Salem, OR— Most people think of April 15 as Tax Day, the day by which federal and state personal income tax returns need to be filed.
But for Oregon disabled and senior homeowners struggling to pay their property taxes, April 15 provides another deadline, and an opportunity take part in a program that could help them stay in their homes.
April 15 is the deadline to apply for the Oregon Property Tax Deferral for Disabled and Senior Homeowners Program.
The program helps senior and disabled homeowners stay in their homes by paying their property taxes for them subject to a lien that is repaid with 6 percent interest after deferral ends. This is not a tax exemption; the program is paying the current year taxes to the local governments. If a homeowner with a site built home had prior year taxes outstanding, once approved to the program they can request a delay of tax foreclosure from the county.
In 2024 the program paid more than $11.5 million in property taxes for 3,382 seniors and 419 disable homeowners.
How does the program work? Participants must be at least 62 years of age or disabled and eligible to receive federal Social Security Disability benefit and have owned and lived in their home for 5 years. Participants’ income for 2025 is limited to $60,000 and homesteads qualify if their home value is less than the calculated limit. See website link below for addition eligibility criteria.
Can I file late? Since 2022, eligible homeowners can apply to the program and pay a late application fee to the county up until December 1.
To obtain an application form or for more information please visit our Department of Revenue website at
You can also call 800-356-4222 toll-free from an Oregon prefix (English or Spanish) or 503-378-4988 in Salem and outside Oregon. For TTY (hearing or speech impaired), we accept all relay calls.
At approximately 12:11 PM on March 25th, 2025, Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District, along with the Sweet Home Police Department, responded to a structure fire at 1889 Kalmia Street. Initial reports indicated that there was a bedroom on fire and the residents were attempting to extinguish the fire with a garden hose through the window. Upon arrival of the first responding units there was little smoke coming from a front bedroom window and residents were still attempting to retrieve their dogs from the front door. The first engine company on scene checked the house to ensure there was no need for rescue and extinguished some "hot spots" in the bedroom. Everyone had evacuated the residence and there were no injuries reported. The fire damage appears to have been confined to the front bedroom with no extension into the attic or other rooms of the house and little to no structural damage. The investigation is still ongoing pending interviews with residents who were on scene, but initial examination suggests that the cause could have been from an electrical problem. Sweet Home Fire responded with 2 engines, 2 command vehicles, 1 brush rig and a medic unit with a total of 13 firefighters and 2 chief officers.
In February 2025, detectives with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Violent Crimes Unit began investigating a sexual assault case. Over the following weeks, detectives interviewed multiple women who said they had been raped or sexually assaulted by 22-year-old Jordan Beyer, who most recently has been living in rural Washington County near Banks.
The sexual assaults happened at different locations in Washington County, including in and near Banks, Forest Grove, and Beaverton. Beyer frequently used physical force or threats to assault his victims, who were known to him.
On March 21, 2025, a Washington County grand jury heard evidence in this case and indicted Beyer for 21 counts as follows:
On March 25, 2025, detectives arrested Beyer during a traffic stop on Highway 26 just east of Highway 6. He was lodged in the Washington County Jail without bail, pending the state’s request to hold him in preventative detention.
Additional charges are possible as the investigation continues. Detectives believe there are more victims who have not yet been interviewed, and investigators would like to speak with anyone who has information about Beyer. Please call the Sheriff’s Office at 503-846-2500 and reference case number 50-25-1043 to speak with a detective about this case.
The release of Beyer’s booking photo is for law enforcement purposes and is in accordance with Oregon House Bill 3273 for the identification of additional criminal activity.
Media hotline: 503-813-6018
Pacific Power is prepared to respond to weather-related outages ahead of forecast early-spring storm
Portland, OR (March 25, 2025) — Pacific Power is monitoring an approaching storm that could impact customers in parts of Oregon, Northern California and Washington later this week. The weather forecast indicates the potential for high winds, lightning, rain and hail from Wednesday into Thursday, which could lead to power outages.
Pacific Power’s meteorology team is closely monitoring the storm, and crews are on standby and ready to respond to weather-related outages.
Pacific Power encourages customers to always be prepared for outages and supports state and local emergency management organizations, who recommend Oregonians and Californians have an emergency plan for up to 72 hours without essential services.
Here are some simple steps customers can take to prepare and stay informed:
Visit for restoration estimates.
As a reminder, stay away from all downed power lines and utility lines. Even if the lines are not sparking, they could be energized and extremely dangerous. Customers should avoid both downed trees and power lines and keep pets far away from those areas.
Call 911 and report the outage to Pacific Power at 1-877-508-5088.
About Pacific Power
Pacific Power provides safe and reliable electric service to more than 800,000 customers in Oregon, Washington and California. The company supplies customers with electricity from a diverse portfolio of generating plants including hydroelectric, natural gas, coal, wind, geothermal and solar resources. Pacific Power is part of PacifiCorp, one of the lowest-cost electricity producers in the United States, with over two million customers in six western states. For more information, visit
On March 25, 2025, just before 3:15 a.m., Adam Mansour, 40, an adult in custody (AIC), was found unresponsive in his cell at the Marion County Jail. Despite immediate efforts by deputies and medical staff to administer CPR and call for additional emergency personnel, their lifesaving measures were unsuccessful, and Mr. Mansour was pronounced deceased. The cause and manner of death is still under investigation, no additional information is available for release currently.
In accordance with the Marion County Sheriff's Office policy, the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office has been asked to investigate this incident as an independent law enforcement agency. Our deepest condolences go to Mr. Mansour’s family.
Today, Multnomah County Judge Christopher Marshall found Jake Phillips (DOB 6/24/1985) Guilty of murdering Erika Evans on September 23, 2022. Mr. Phillips was found guilty of the crimes of Murder in the Second Degree with a Firearm and Unlawful Use of a Weapon with a Firearm, both constituting domestic violence.
Judge Marshall then sentenced Mr. Phillips to life in prison with a possibility of parole after 25 years.
On September 23, 2022, Ms. Evans was found deceased at Wallace Park with a single gunshot wound to the neck. A 40 caliber shell casing was found at the scene and the Medical Examiner ruled her death a homicide. Mr. Phillips, who was an intimate partner of Ms.Evans, was last seen with her 2 hours prior to the murder. Mr. Phillips was arrested in Brookings, OR on an arrest warrant out of Washington County, Oregon for a Robbery in the First Degree. In that case, which happened several days prior to the murder, Mr. Phillips stole firearms from another individual which was caught on Trimet video. One of those firearms was a 40 caliber gun. When Mr. Phillips was arrested, he had a fanny pack. Officers searched the fanny pack pursuant to a search warrant and found a 40 caliber gun. After doing a NIBIN test, it matched the shell casing found at the homicide scene.
Multnomah County Senior Deputy District Attorney Glen Banfield and Deputy District Attorney James Kim prosecuted the case for the State, with assistance from Deputy District Attorney Christopher Ruiz. They would like to thank Kristen Stowell for her work as a caring and compassionate victim’s advocate on this case, as well as Portland Police Bureau Detectives Brian Sims and Meghan Burkeen for their excellent work.
Note: This release has been corrected to address the spelling of the suspect's last name
The victim in the homicide that occurred on March 21, 2025, has been identified as Drew Hayden Courtright, 26. His family has been notified of his death and provided the attached photograph of him for public distribution.
The Medical Examiner determined the cause of death to be by stab wound and the manner of death to be homicide.
On March, 25, 2025, Portland Police arrested Mitch Schoonover, 42. Schoonover was charged with Murder in the First Degree, Unlawful Use of a Weapon and Assault 3, and lodged in the Multnomah County Detention Center.
Drew Courtright’s mother is willing to speak about her son to interested media. Contact"> for her information.
Photo Description: Portrait of Drew Hayden Courtright
Original Message Below
One man is deceased after a stabbing in the Parkrose Neighborhood.
On Friday, March 21, 2025 at 8:02 a.m., Portland Police Officers from North Precinct responded to a report of a stabbing at a hotel in the 11700 block of Northeast Airport Way. When they arrived with paramedics, they found a male victim deceased at the scene.
The suspect or suspects fled the scene and no immediate arrests were made.
Portland Police Homicide Unit Detectives are responding to the scene to investigate. No public roadway traffic is affected by the investigation.
If anyone has information about this incident, please contact Detective Sean Macomber at 503-823-0404 or Detective Tony Harris at 503-823-0441. Please refer to case number 25-72238.
The PIO is not responding to the scene. Additional information will be released when appropriate.
Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County Community Services has initiated the development of the 2025-2030 Homeless Action Plan (HAP). This strategic plan will guide efforts to address homelessness over the next five years, establishing priorities and implementing strategies to improve housing stability throughout Clark County. The plan will go to the Clark County Council for adoption in November 2025.
The county is partnering with the Council for the Homeless, serving as the lead entity for HAP development, and ECONorthwest for consulting support. Development of the plan is guided by the HAP Steering Committee, which is comprised of key stakeholders, including local government representatives, service providers, individuals with lived experience, and community organizations. The committee is tasked with ensuring strategic alignment, monitoring progress, and advising on policy and funding priorities to address homelessness effectively.
Opportunities for public participation will be announced in the coming months. Community members, service providers, and stakeholders will be invited to provide input to help shape the priorities and strategies outlined in the Homeless Action Plan.
For more information and ongoing updates, visit:
The community will have an opportunity to provide comment on the draft Homeless Action Plan when it is presented to Clark County Council for feedback. This public hearing will be held at least 30 days prior to the plan going to the Clark County Council for adoption.
The Board on Public Safety Standards and Training will hold a regular meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 24, 2025, in the Governor Victor G. Atiyeh Boardroom at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training located at 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon. For further information, please contact Juan Lopez at (503) 551-3167 or
To view the Board's live-stream and other recorded videos, please visit DPSST’s official YouTube page at
Agenda Items:
1. Introductions
2. Meeting Minutes
Approve the January 23, 2025, Meeting Minutes
3. Fire Policy Committee
a. Fire Policy Committee Update – Dan Lenzen, Chair
b. Consent Agenda (The following items to be ratified by one vote)
A. John Cota, DPSST No. 44136; Tenmile RFPD – No Action
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the FPC on February 26, 2025.
B. Jesse McFarland, DPSST No. 44129; Scio RFPD – No Action
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the FPC on February 26, 2025.
C. Rhett Sunia, DPSST No. 41600; Coburg RFPD – No Action
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the FPC on February 26, 2025.
D. Proposed Rule Changes for OAR 259-009-0005, OAR 259-009-0062, and OAR 259-009-0065
Minimum Standard on Professional Qualifications for Firefighters
E. Committee Appointments
Fire Policy Committee
4. Criminal Justice Policy Committees
a. Police Policy Committee Update – Scotty Nowning, Chair
b. Telecommunications Policy Committee Update – Michael Fletcher, Chair
c. Corrections Policy Committee Update – Matthew English, Chair
d. Consent Agenda (The following items to be ratified by one vote)
A. Randall Broome, DPSST No. 56468; Lane County Sheriff's Office – No Action
Unanimous vote with one (1) recusal to recommend to the Board by the CPC on February 11, 2025.
B. Bradley McIntyre, DPSST No. 35126; Portland Police Bureau – Revoke
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the PPC on February 20, 2025.
C. Rafael Munoz, DPSST No. 60210; DOC/Coffee Creek Correctional Facility – Revoke
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the CPC on February 11, 2025.
D. Tyler Odom, DPSST No. 52085; Frontier Regional 9-1-1 – Revoke
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the TPC on February 5, 2025.
E. Jeremiah Oswald, DPSST No. 60805; Washington County Sheriff's Office – Revoke
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the PPC on PPC on February 20, 2025.
F. Matthew Paton, DPSST No. 44975; Marion County Sheriff's Office – Revoke
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the CPC on February 11, 2025.
G. Jeremy Pilon, DPSST No. 54019; Newberg-Dundee Police Department – No Action
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the PPC on February 20, 2025.
H. Marcus Risteen, DPSST No. 58653; Yamhill County Sheriff's Office – No Action
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the CPC on February 11, 2025.
I. Shelli Taleghani, DPSST No. 60679; TDOC/Two Rivers Correctional Institution – Revoke
Unanimous vote to recommend to the Board by the CPC on February 11, 2025.
J. Proposed Rule Changes for Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 259-008-0085
Codifying Board Approval of the Revisions to the Corrections Career Officer Development Self-Study Course
K. Proposed Rule Changes for Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 259-008-0085
To Adopt the 2024 Telecommunicator Field Training Manual
L. Committee Appointments
Telecommunications Policy Committee
5. Private Security/Investigator Policy Committee
a. Private Security Investigator Policy Committee Update – Dan Lenzen, Chair
b. Consent Agenda (The following items to be ratified by one vote).
A. Committee Appointments
Private Security/Investigators Policy Committee
6. Board on Public Safety Standards and Training Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations – Kathy McAlpine
7.Annual Director's Evaluation – Chair English
8. Agency Updates – Agency Director, Phil Castle
9. Next Meeting Date: July 24, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.
Administrative Announcement
This is a public meeting, subject to the public meeting law and it will be recorded. Deliberation of issues will only be conducted by Board members unless permitted by the Chair. Individuals who engage in disruptive behavior that impedes official business will be asked to stop being disruptive or leave the meeting. Additional measures may be taken to have disruptive individuals removed if their continued presence poses a safety risk to the other persons in the room or makes it impossible to continue the meeting.
Vancouver, Wash. – The City of Vancouver’s annual State of the City event took place March 24 at the Firstenburg Community Center. Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle‘s speech highlighted the progress the City and community have made together on key issues – community safety, homelessness, affordable housing and economic opportunity – and how the community’s voice continues to power decisions about Vancouver’s future.
“The community trusts us to make decisions, set policy and steward tax dollars. But we don’t do this alone,” said Mayor McEnerny-Ogle. “Everything we work on is driven by the priorities the community has identified, focusing on the issues where they seek progress, innovation, answers or solutions. Doing what is best for the community is our north star.”
She also took time to highlight some of the City’s key accomplishments in 2024, offered a look ahead to what’s next for Vancouver and updated the community on the progress of some of the City’s major projects in this video.
The mayor’s address was followed by a Council Community Forum, where guests joined in conversation and discussion with the mayor and City councilmembers.
The State of the City address is available for on-demand viewing on Clark/Vancouver Television (CVTV) channel 23 and HD 323, and on the City’s Facebook and YouTube pages.
Baker County, Ore. 25 March 2025- On Monday, March 24, 2025, at 7:16 a.m., Oregon State Police responded to a single-vehicle crash on Highway 7, near milepost 34, in Baker County.
The preliminary investigation indicated a northbound Honda Accord, operated by Jonathan Roger Schmeck (25) of Burns, left the roadway for unknown reasons, rolled several times, and struck a tree. The crash was not fresh at the time it was reported and the exact time of the crash is not yet known.
The operator of the Honda (Schmeck) was not wearing a seatbelt and was declared deceased at the scene.
The highway was not impacted during the on-scene investigation.
OSP was assisted by the Baker County Sheriff's Office and ODOT.
# # #
About the Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU)
The Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU) is a specialized unit responsible for investigating fatal and critical injury collisions on Oregon’s highways. The team provides expertise in the documentation, investigation, and analysis of complex motor vehicle crashes and crime scenes. They receive specialized training in the use of advanced measuring techniques and small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for on-scene investigations. The CRU team includes ACTAR accredited collision reconstructionists and technical collision investigators deployed across the state.
HILLSBORO, Ore- On February 26, 2025, a Washington County jury found Daniel Ernest Bean guilty of unlawful use of a weapon, menacing, and disorderly conduct in the second degree. On February 28, 2025, Washington County Circuit Court Judge Theodore Sims sentenced the defendant to 30 months in prison. Deputy District Attorney Sam Erwin prosecuted this case.
On October 31, 2024, Tigard police responded to multiple calls from concerned residents. They reported the defendant was acting erratically, throwing objects, and destroying his neighbors’ property. At one point, the defendant attempted to break down his neighbor’s door.
Officers with the Tigard Police Department responded to the scene, an apartment complex near SW 135 Avenue and SW Hawks Beard Street in Tigard. They saw the defendant outside the complex and attempted to speak with him. He immediately grabbed a compound bow and threatened and antagonized officers. He loaded the bow with an arrow and told officers he would shoot them. They backed away from the scene, and a nearly six-hour standoff ensued. This occurred on Halloween night, which caused significant disruption to neighbors and children.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office Tactical Negotiations Team (TNT) was called to the scene. Deputies urged the defendant to leave the building peacefully. However, they had to evacuate the apartment complex when the defendant began striking a propane tank.
Deputies used gas to force the defendant out of the building, and he was safely arrested. A search of his apartment turned up two large knives, a compound bow, and multiple arrows with metal tips.
The Washington County District Attorney’s Office acknowledges the work of the Tigard Police Department and TNT.
Mr. Bean will be transferred to the Oregon Department of Corrections to serve his sentence.
RELEASE DATE: March 25, 2025
CASE NUMBER: 23-46879
Gresham, Ore.— Multnomah County District Attorney Nathan Vasquez announced the sentencing of Luke Gentry for the 2023 fatal stabbing of Justin Corniel-Tapec.
Gresham police responded to a 911 call reporting a man had been stabbed just before 3:45 p.m., on Nov. 22, 2023. Officers provided critical care to the victim before medical responders arrived. The victim, Justin Corniel-Tapec, was transported to an area hospital with critical injuries.
A surveillance video showing the suspect run from the area of the crime was used to identify the suspect, Luke Gentry. Gentry was located in a vehicle in Troutdale and taken into custody by the East Metro SWAT team on Nov. 25, 2023. Gentry was lodged on suspicion of Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, Assault in the First Degree, and Unlawful Use of a Weapon.
Corniel-Tapec remained in critical condition until Nov. 29, 2023, when he tragically died as a result of his injuries. A grand jury subsequently indicted Gentry for Murder in the Second Degree. Gentry was convicted on Jan. 17, 2025, and sentenced to 20 years in Prison on Feb. 28.
"This was a brutal, unprovoked, and senseless attack,” said Detective Tyson Conroy "While nothing can ever make up for the loss of a life, I’m grateful to have helped bring a resolution for Justin’s family." Senior Deputy District Attorney (SDDA) Kevin Demer represented the state in the case and the East County Major Crimes Team (MCT), led by Detective Conroy, was tasked with the investigation.
A spokesperson for Justin’s family released a statement thanking Detective Conroy and the Gresham Police Department for all their hard work solving the case and SDDA Kevin Demer for being a great representative and advocate for their family.
CLATSOP COUNTY, Ore. 25 March 2025 – The Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division is asking for the public's help to identify the person(s) responsible for the unlawful killing of two juvenile blacktail deer in Clatsop County, Oregon.
On March 17, 2025, Fish and Wildlife troopers responded to the North Fork Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes on Tillamook State Forest property. This location is within the Saddle Mountain Wildlife Management Unit, approximately 35 miles east of Seaside. When troopers arrived, they inspected the deer and collected evidence at the scene.
Anyone who was at the shooting range near this time frame and saw anything or has any information that could assist with this investigation, please contact OSP Senior Trooper Greg Schuerger or Senior Trooper Dave Herman through the Turn in Poachers (TIP) hotline at 1-800-452-7888 or dial OSP (mobile). Please reference case number SP25-085755.
Report Wildlife and Habitat Law Violators
The Turn In Poachers (TIP) program is a collaboration between the Oregon State Police, Oregon Hunters Association, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Wildlife Coalition, Oregon Outfitter and Guides Association, and the Oregon State Marine Board.
The TIP program offers preference point rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of big game mammals.
Preference Point Rewards
5 Points: Bighorn Sheep
5 Points: Rocky Mountain Goat
5 Points: Moose
5 Points: Wolf
4 Points: Elk
4 Points: Deer
4 Points: Pronghorn Antelope
4 Points: Bear
4 Points: Cougar
The TIP program also offers cash rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of the following fish and wildlife species. Cash rewards can also be awarded for habitat destruction, illegally obtaining hunting or angling license or tag, lending or borrowing big game tags, spotlighting, or snagging.
Cash Rewards
Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) cash rewards:
$2,000 Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, or Moose
$1,000 Elk, Deer, or Antelope
$600 Bear, Cougar, or Wolf
$400 Game Fish & Shellfish
$400 Snagging/Attempt to Snag
$300 Habitat destruction
$200 Illegally obtaining Oregon hunting or angling license or tags
$200 Unlawful lending/borrowing big game tag(s)
$200 Game Birds or Furbearers
$200 Spotlighting
Rewards for Game Fish & Shellfish and Snagging/Attempting to Snag are sponsored, in part, by Northwest Steelheaders Association and Coastal Conservation Association.
Oregon Wildlife Coalition (OWC) Cash Rewards:
$500 Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Owl, Osprey
$500 Cougar, Bobcat, Beaver (public lands only), Black bears, Bighorn Sheep, Marten, Fisher, Sierra Nevada Red Fox
$1,000 Species listed as “threatened" or “endangered" under state or federal Endangered Species Act (excludes fish)
$10,000 for Wolves east of Highway 395 and $11,500 for Wolves east of Highway 395 and north of Highway 20
Oregon Outfitters & Guides Association (OOGA) Cash Rewards:
$200 Acting as an Outfitter Guide for the Illegal Killing of Wildlife, Illegally Obtaining Oregon Hunting or Angling Licenses or Tags, or Illegally Offering to Act as an Outfitter Guide as defined in ORS 704.010 and 704.020.
How to Report a Wildlife and/or Habitat Law Violation or Suspicious Activity:
TIP Hotline: 1-800-452-7888 or OSP (677)
TIP email: (monitored Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
For more information visit:
# # #
About the Oregon State Police
Oregon State Police (OSP) is a multi-disciplined organization that is charged with protecting the people, wildlife, and natural resources in Oregon. OSP enforces traffic laws on the state’s roadways, investigates and solves crime, conducts postmortem examinations and forensic analysis, and provides background checks, and law enforcement data. The agency regulates gaming and enforces fish, wildlife, and natural resource laws. OSP is comprised of more than 1,400 staff members – including troopers, investigators, and professional staff – who provide a full range of policing and public safety services to Oregon and other law enforcement agencies throughout Oregon.
Union County, Ore. 25 March 2025- On Monday, March 23, 2025, at 8:00 p.m., Oregon State Police responded to a single-vehicle crash on Interstate 84, near milepost 277, in Union County.
The preliminary investigation indicated a westbound Chevrolet Silverado, operated by Corbin Ronald Knowles (49) of Kuna (ID), left the roadway for unknown reasons, rolled several times, and came to rest on its roof.
The operator of the Chevrolet (Knowles) was declared deceased at the scene.
The interstate was impacted for approximately four hours during the on-scene investigation.
OSP was assisted by ODOT.
# # #
About the Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU)
The Oregon State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit (CRU) is a specialized unit responsible for investigating fatal and critical injury collisions on Oregon’s highways. The team provides expertise in the documentation, investigation, and analysis of complex motor vehicle crashes and crime scenes. They receive specialized training in the use of advanced measuring techniques and small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for on-scene investigations. The CRU team includes ACTAR accredited collision reconstructionists and technical collision investigators deployed across the state.
Vancouver, Wash., Mar. 25, 2025—Since launching last June, the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington has channeled more than $3 million toward its Southwest Washington Impact Investment Fund for Transformation (SWIIFT). The fund is part of the organization’s SWIIFT Initiative, which leverages charitable dollars for local impact investing—a strategy aiming to generate a positive social impact alongside modest financial returns.
The Community Foundation committed $1.5 million of its discretionary assets to seed the SWIIFT Initiative in June. This week, it announced a $1.5 million allocation from the Ed and Dollie Lynch Fund, which also promised another half of a million dollars contingent on the Community Foundation raising an additional $500,000 for the initiative.
“This incredible gift is a testament to the potential of SWIIFT,” Community Foundation president Matt Morton said. “We are extremely grateful for the support, and I’m excited about the momentum these matching funds will bring to our initial goal of raising $5 million for the SWIIFT Initiative.”
SWIIFT makes impact investments through a revolving, low-interest loan program dedicated to nonprofits and housing providers in Clark, Cowlitz and Skamania Counties. By offering lower interest rates and factoring in social returns, the SWIIFT Initiative can finance projects that may not fit conventional investment criteria. Borrowers have used loans as cash flow to scale programs through reimbursable grants and to pay for pre-development costs that traditional financing rarely covers.
A recent $100,000 SWIIFT loan to Fourth Plain Forward is one example. The funds allowed the organization to pay startup costs for a micro-lending program while awaiting a reimbursable grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce. As a result, Fourth Plain Forward is on track to become a long-term lending agency that will increase financial access for underbanked small business owners and entrepreneurs across Clark County, especially in Black, Latiné and Tribal communities.
“Our SWIIFT loan served as a crucial bridge, allowing us to stand up our lending agency without spending countless hours overcoming financial roadblocks and administrative delays,” Fourth Plain Forward executive director Paul Burgess said. “Instead, we focused immediately on laying the foundation for a program that will expand economic opportunities in Clark County for years to come.”
The loan to Fourth Plain Forward is one of three approved to date, totaling $850,000 in impact investments. As SWIIFT loans are repaid, the principal and interest are reinvested. This cycle allows SWIIFT assets to fund multiple projects over time, amplifying the long-term impact of charitable dollars. In addition, SWIIFT loans create a multiplier effect by allowing nonprofits and housing providers to attract additional investments and public dollars to our region.
The Washington State Department of Commerce awarded $1.39 million to Fourth Plain Forward’s lending program. A separate $250,000 SWIIFT loan to Fosterful is providing cash flow to facilitate its Caregiver Support Project, which is estimated to receive between $6 million and $9 million in revenue from the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families over the next three years. These dollars translate to increased services for vulnerable residents and broader economic stimulus for southwest Washington.
“Our region has always relied on innovation and collaboration to solve local challenges, and SWIIFT is another example,” Morton said. “We hope it inspires others to join the Community Foundation and its donors because local investments are critical to expanding the stability and opportunity we all want in southwest Washington.”
Morton explained that SWIIFT is a powerful addition to the Community Foundation’s philanthropic toolbox that complements its annual grantmaking. Interested donors can support the SWIIFT Initiative in two ways that meet the needs of southwest Washington and the charitable goals of foundations, businesses and individuals. Additional information is available at
(Tualatin, Ore.) - To reflect the addition of new bargaining units and growth of membership, the Pacific Northwest Hospital Medicine Association (PNWHMA) will now be known as Northwest Medicine United (NWMU). Since 2022, nine additional bargaining units have been organized under NWMU, and three of those units settled their first contracts in recent months. The bargaining units now include adult, pediatric, OB and palliative care hospitalists, ED providers, urgent care providers, adult and pediatric subspecialists, and primary care and women’s health providers. In response to the exponential growth, the executive team of the union approved a name change to better reflect the diversity of providers and practice locations it represents.
“We started in 2014, representing the original 24 hospitalists at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center in Eugene. We now represent around 700 physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician associates across Oregon working in a variety of healthcare settings,” said Dr. Charlotte Yeomans, a physician from PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center and president of the union. “With all of our recent wins, I expect more healthcare professionals to consider what unionization might allow them to achieve in their workplaces.”
Hospitalists are the physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician associates who care for hospitalized patients. They manage a patient’s care while in the hospital, working with specialists to determine what testing and treatments are needed. Hospitalists also facilitate discharge and handoff to primary care physicians.
The formerly-named PNWHMA became the first hospitalists' union in the country when it was organized under the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in 2014. Hospitalists at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center chose to form a union when the medical center announced plans to outsource hospitalist services to a 3rd-party company. Before unionizing, the hospitalists were employed by the hospital-associated medical group under individual contracts.
“Healthcare has become increasingly corporatized in recent years, which has only escalated since the economic devastation of COVID-19. Important medical decisions made by experienced healthcare providers are now frequently overruled by the short-term goals of those in the C-suite. By organizing and joining a union, we create a unified collective voice to advocate for our patients and colleagues,” continued Dr. Yeomans. “Our contracts not only cover pay and benefits but also include staffing and committee participation. As a union, we are better equipped to address specific concerns with administration.”
Recent First Contract Wins
Three bargaining units within NWMU have won historic first contracts in recent months.
In January emergency department physicians and advanced practice providers reached a first contract with Providence Medford Medical Center. Throughout negotiations, members focused on the need to recruit more providers to Medford and the critical role of the ED within the hospital.
It took nearly two years for physicians and advanced practice providers from PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Urgent Care to reach a first contract in February 2025. The urgent care providers were able to reach a deal that addressed their top priorities, including burnout, understaffing, safe patient care, and ensuring access to care for the region’s most vulnerable patients.
Hospitalists employed by Providence St. Vincent participated in the recent Providence strike with nurses for almost six weeks, spanning January and February 2025, before approving a first contract. This was the largest healthcare workers' strike in Oregon history and the first time doctors and advanced practice providers walked a strike line in the state. The bargaining unit was able to negotiate an agreement to reform staffing models across all departments, improving patient care and safety standards; it secured increases to sick time, establishing equity with other Providence hospitalists; and it achieved significant pay raises to make Providence St. Vincent hospitalist compensation competitive with that of other regional health systems.
The following bargaining units are represented by Northwest Medicine United:
About Northwest Medicine United (NWMU)
Formerly known as the Pacific Northwest Hospital Medicine Association (PNWHMA), NWMU was created in 2014 as the first hospitalist-specific labor union in the United States. It has since expanded to represent physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs) in multiple disciplines and practice settings. NWMU (AFT Local 6552) is affiliated with AFT Healthcare--the fastest-growing healthcare union in the country. AFT Healthcare represents more than 200,000 members in 100 locals in 18 states and territories. NWMU is serviced by the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) which represents more than 23,000 frontline caregivers at hospitals and clinics throughout Oregon.
Experience the exhilarating artistry of the Jefferson Dancers this April 17-19 at the Newmark Theatre! This year's concert features nine brand-new works that span a dynamic range of dance styles, from classical ballet to high-energy hip-hop. Plus, we're thrilled to present two of our student pieces that were selected for the Outstanding Student Choreography Showcase at the National High School Dance Festival in February. Congratulations to Piper Bott for her piece Not Without Reason and Henry Roth for We Tried.
Don't miss an unforgettable night of movement, music, and passion—get your tickets now!
Portland'5 Newmark Theatre
Thursday, April 17 & Friday, April 18 @ 7:30 P.M.
Saturday, April 19 @ 2:00 & 7:30 P.M.
GET TICKETS: $27 adults / $12 students & seniors
The Jefferson Dancers are the elite performers of the nationally recognized dance program at Jefferson High School. For nearly 50 years, this select company has trained and showcased Portland’s most advanced young dancers, ages 14-18, in a variety of disciplines. Don't miss your chance to see them in action!
March 25, 2025
Media contact: Timothy Heider, 971-246-9139,
PORTLAND, Ore. – Oregon hospitals recorded a slight decrease in health care-associated infections (HAIs) among hospitalized patients in 2023 and met federally established reduction goals in various infection categories, according to newly published Oregon Health Authority (OHA) data.
The new data, published by the Healthcare-Associated Infections Program within OHA’s Public Health Division, showed some improvement in reducing infections acquired in hospitals between 2022 and 2023; however, more work needs to be done to reach national reduction targets across all categories.
Among the largest reductions were seen in catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) and Clostridioides difficile infections (CDI) in hospitals, which met federal reduction standards for acute care hospitals in 2023.
Oregon acute care hospitals also showed progress with central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections (MRSA BSI).
Oregon critical access hospitals did show a large increase in CLABSI’s and a moderate increase in MRSA BSIs. The large increase in CLABSI’s is attributed to four separate critical access hospitals reporting events in 2023, compared to just one in 2022.
“While progress has been identified in some areas, data show that patients in Oregon are still acquiring HAIs in greater numbers than the national average for many types of infections,” said Dat Tran, M.D., HAI Program medical director. “We remain committed to supporting health care facilities in Oregon to enhance infection control and prevent HAIs.”
The dashboard contains HAI data for 61 individual hospitals in Oregon. It provides statewide summaries and facility-specific data of Oregon hospital performance on nine HAI metrics, with comparable national benchmarks.
OHA works to prevent infections because of the significant risk to patient safety. On a given day, one in every 31 patients in U.S. hospitals will get an infection in a hospital or health care setting.
In 2023, Oregon hospitals reported 975 such injuries.
OHA monitors state and regional trends and supports statewide efforts to reduce HAIs by:
Health care providers work diligently to control these infections in the interest of patient safety.
There also are infection prevention strategies that families, friends and the public visiting these settings can follow. Visitors to health care settings should frequently wash their hands, look for worsening signs and symptoms of infection, and notify providers of these signs and symptoms.
Visitors should follow facility infection prevention policies and procedures. Most importantly, visitors should avoid visiting a facility if they are sick.
Increasing awareness and education about primary prevention, public health risks and preventive health services are among actions OHA is taking as part of its 2024–2027 Strategic Plan.
Learn more about how OHA is working to foster health families and communities on our website.
Click here to learn more about OHA’s HAI program, the impacts of infection and prevention steps.
SALEM, Oregon – Oregon Heritage just released the 2024 Oregon Main Street Annual report. A copy of the report can be found on the Oregon Main Street website:
The report highlights the collective impact of communities participating in the Main Street Track of the Oregon Main Street Network in 2024, including over $24 million in private sector investment, 168 net new businesses, 1,652 net new jobs, and over 293 building rehab projects. In addition, volunteers contributed almost 34,000 of volunteer hours to make their communities better places to live, work, shop, and experience. The cumulative impact since 2010 is also included in the report.
The report also features community spotlights on projects and activities happening on Main Street in Oregon including the HRVI building restoration project in Chiloquin which was a recipient of a $200,000 Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grant in 2022 and is nearing completion.
Currently, there are over 100 communities in Oregon participating in one of the different levels of the Oregon Main Street Network: Accredited Main Street, Designated Main Street, Affiliated Main Street, Connected Communities, or as part of one of the Rural Regional Main Street hubs. There isn’t a fee to participate in the Oregon Main Street Network.
Oregon Main Street (OMS) is part of Heritage Programs in Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. OMS is designed to assist with the revitalization of historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts, promote economic development, and encourage historic preservation. The program uses an approach that advocates a return to community self-reliance, local empowerment, and the rebuilding of central business districts based on their assets, unique architecture, personal service, local ownership and entrepreneurship, and sense of community.
PORTLAND, Ore. – Portland Community College interior design instructor Robin Rigby Fisher is known to her students as the “fairy job mother” for her ability to guide them to employment success. However, her students can now call her something else -- national educator of the year.
In March, the Milwaukie (Oak Grove) resident was awarded the inaugural 2025 NKBA/KBIS Educator of the Year award at the National Kitchen and Bath Association's prestigious Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Las Vegas. She accepted the trophy before a wide audience that included 11 of her current students, underscoring her impact as both an educator and mentor.
“Being awarded the first-ever NKBA Educator of the Year is such an honor,” Fisher said. “The design industry has been so good to me over the years, and I feel it's my responsibility to give back to the next generation. It's an incredible honor to be recognized for doing something I love.”
Fisher’s recognition at the industry-leading event attended by professionals nationwide highlights her contributions to kitchen and bath design education. According to the NKBA, Fisher combines "award-winning creativity with a deep passion for education, mentorship, and innovation," qualities that have made her an influential figure in her field.
Since starting her design career in 1989, she has successfully launched both a residential design-build remodeling company and an independent residential design firm. Her contributions to the industry earned her a spot among Kitchen & Bath Design News' Top 50 Innovators in 2017.
Fisher’s dedication extends well beyond the classroom. For five years, she has brought PCC design students to the conference, offering invaluable exposure to the industry’s premier professionals. This year, Fisher hosted a special VIP event at the show to spotlight her students, describing the experience as "off the charts" for those in attendance.
“I really get jazzed when I hear about students’ successes after graduation,” she said.
Fisher, who is the faculty chair of the Interior Design Program, joined PCC in 2003. Currently, she is working with industry leaders to establish a cutting-edge lighting and cabinetry lab at PCC's Sylvania Campus. This effort will further elevate interior design and allow partnering with other college programs to create a collaborative lab experience, she said.
This all part of her bigger plan for her program.
“We have students coming from all over the U.S. and Japan,” Fisher said. “I want our program recognized as the best two-year residential design program in the U.S.”
This year, two of her students were named to NKBA’s "30 Under 30," an exclusive group of rising stars in kitchen and bath design. This accomplishment brings the total to five PCC graduates earning this distinction—a testament to Fisher’s impact. Members of the NKBA's selection committee stated she instills confidence in students who often lack it upon entering the professional world and actively connects them with industry leaders. Many continue seeking her mentorship long after graduation.
Peers and industry colleagues also praised Fisher's dedication to realism and creativity in design education. Here is a sampling of comments by the selection committee:
“She doesn’t sugarcoat the challenges of the industry. Instead, she prepares her students for real-world experiences.”
“She encourages students to explore their unique voices, fostering a creative and inclusive learning environment.”
For more information on PCC’s Interior Design Program, visit
About Portland Community College: Founded in 1961, Portland Community College is the largest post-secondary institution in Oregon and provides training, degree and certificate completion, and lifelong learning to more than 53,000 full- and part-time students in Multnomah, Washington, Yamhill, Clackamas, and Columbia counties. PCC has four comprehensive campuses, 10 education centers or areas served, and approximately 200 community locations in the Portland metropolitan area. The PCC district encompasses a 1,500-square-mile area in northwest Oregon and offers two-year degrees, one-year certificate programs, short-term training, alternative education, pre-college courses and life-long learning.
Visit PCC news on the web at
Contact: Sydney Mead, Downtown Portland Clean & Safe or 503-358-5773
Buskathon brings 214 performances to Downtown Portland & Old Town
PORTLAND, OR – March 24, 2025 – Get ready for four days of live music as Buskathon takes over Portland from April 10-13! This festival highlights 30 talented buskers, 18 venues, and a staggering 214 street performances, bringing creative energy to Portland’s streets.
Portlanders are encouraged to explore downtown, visit participating businesses, and enjoy free live entertainment throughout the festival. Whether you’re a longtime fan of street performances or discovering busking for the first time, BUSKATHON is an invitation to experience the heartbeat of Portland’s streets once again.
For more information and a full schedule of performances (coming soon!), visit
A busker is a street musician or other performer who brings energy and vibrancy to public spaces. Busking is more than just street performance—it’s a time-honored path for performers to hone their craft, build confidence, and connect with live audiences in a raw, unfiltered way. Many professional artists got their start performing on the streets, where they learned how to engage a crowd, test new material, and develop their unique sound. Direct interaction with audiences provides instant feedback, helping performers refine their stage presence and performance skills. Beyond artistic growth, busking also serves as an important platform for exposure, offering musicians a way to reach new fans, gain recognition, and even open doors to larger gigs and recording opportunities. In cities worldwide, buskers bring vibrancy and spontaneity to public spaces while fostering a creative, music-rich culture.
Discover Live Music & Local Businesses
From soulful acoustic sets to high-energy street entertainment, Portlanders are invited to explore the city, support local businesses, and experience live performers from our local area. Each participating venue will host a busker, offering a unique way to discover Portland’s musical talent while enjoying our city’s vibrant downtown.
Vote for Your Favorite Busker & Attend the Busk-Off
As part of the festival, the public can vote for their favorite busker throughout the event. The top musicians will be invited to the Busk-Off finale at Director Park on Sunday, April 13, where they will compete for the title of “Portland Favorite Busker” and a $1,000 grand prize. Thanks to Friends of Noise, an additional $500 “Rising Star” award will be presented to the top performers between the ages of 16-25.
Festival Highlights
30 Buskers performing live
18 Venues across Downtown Portland & Old Town
214 Performances bringing music back to the streets
Busk-Off finale on April 13 at Director Park from 3 PM – 5 PM
Audience Voting & Cash Prizes
We are pleased to announce the following performers will be hitting the street in our first annual BUSKATHON:
AirShow |
AirShow is singer-songwriters John Paul Kelley and Keith Baich backed by drummer/etc. Scott Cohen. The trio has been playing together since the early aughts at the diviest bars Portland has to offer. |
Albert Kaufman |
I'm a folk singer who knows the words to many songs. Invite me to your next campfire or social occasion and you will enjoy a great collection of singable songs. |
Angela Thomas |
16 year old singer/songwriter from Portland who hopes to make music her whole life. Writing songs at a young age and her passion for music drove her to where she is today. |
Annelise McNally |
Annelise McNally is a young singer/songwriter from the Portland area. She's been writing music since she was in middle school, narrating her own journey through adolescent frustrations and the retrospective understandings that come with growing up. Her songs are stories of love, loss, and the poignant nature of life itself, set to dream-like guitar melodies. |
Brassless Chaps |
Brassless Chaps is an all-queer, anti-fascist community brass band! We are an ensemble of brass, woodwinds and drum players performing pop covers, jazz standards, original work and more. We are loud, fun and bring the brass, the sass, and the dance party! We are queer and we are here, playing to bring community together for joy and liberation! |
Chaace Dragoon |
Chaace thee Dragoon roams the streets of Portland practicing their acoustic folk punk sounds. |
Charlie Watters from Westbound City Train |
Charlie Watters from Westbound City Train plays a high energy & unexpected mix of |
Dontae Harriss |
Dontae Harriss is an American rock musician with hints of funk & punk weaved in. Born in the lonely environment of the Pacific Northwest - which always made him feel like an outsider - Dontae uses this excuse to creatively move around as freely as he wants to. Giving all ears new experiences to keep them on their toes. |
Eel Sallad |
Eel Sallad can be best categorized as Pacific Northwest Americana Rock - with influences ranging from rock to reggae, from classical to grunge. |
Erik Harper |
I was born in 1982 and am the oldest of four boys. I grew up in a musical household in Northern Virginia, listening to tapes, CDs and records, recording off DC101 and sharing mixtapes with my friends and cousins. I sung choir in school and also played bass briefly in my brother's band. I DJ-ed parties in college where I met my wife and then pursued a career in web software development. I moved to Portland in 2012 and got bit by the musical performance bug when a co-worker of mine who sings and plays guitar inspired me to do the same. I also started my first band COVERCRAFT in 2021, playing drums when there was no live music happening because I wanted that to change! Since then I've been splitting my time between work, playing my favorite rock tunes I grew up with, and doing many other musical things like karaoke parties at my house and open mics all around the Portland area. I love to call this place home! |
Focus Group |
Focus Group is a meeting. Focus Group is the moment. When the music comes, we play. Inspired by your stories, Focus Group takes the seed of a song and grows it live. Fully improvised, fully original. Reach out, pluck it. Sing along. Focus. |
Greta Lau |
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Greta Lau is an independent songwriter and theater artist who's original songs explore themes of identify, relationships, and queer joy. Released in 2022 Greta's debut indie folk album, "evergreen", was entirely self written and produced out of her home studio in Washington. Now based in Portland, Greta is pursuing a degree at PSU while writing and recording new music. |
Group W |
Group W is a duo (guitars & vox harmonies), trio, quartet, or quintet (with accordion/keys & drums) as circumstances dictate, playing a variety of uncommon covers and original compositions in backyards and on porches across SE Portland. |
Heather Rose |
Heather Rose’s performance journey began in fourth grade, when she took on the lead role of “Donkey” in a school production, sparking a lifelong passion for the stage. Her formal training has included piano, guitar, and acting. Her teachers have included Mike Nichols, Madeline Capelle, and Andrew D'Antonio. Her performance career has been versatile and has included performing on Portland stages in professional theatre productions, in the Star Trek Experience show in Las Vegas, and in "The Rocky Horror Show" stage production at the 20 year anniversary party of the film for producer Lou Adler. Beyond the stage, Heather has delved into a variety of artistic ventures, from costuming professional ice skating shows to running Portland's Theatre Vertigo. During the pandemic, she taught middle school musical theatre over Zoom, adapting to new ways of inspiring young artists. Recently she has been delving into shadow puppetry with her husband, who is also the other half of the family band "Monkey and Man." With each project, Heather brings her diverse talents and passion for performance to new creative heights. |
Jared Hines |
Father, husband, PNW native, conservation scientist, ecologist, geographer, painter, played a little collegiate level basketball in a former life, have cashed at the World Series of Poker 3 times, Jared once figured out the meaning of life but forgot to write it down so it was was kind of a bummer. In the meantime, Jared is going to lay down some funky boogie. |
Jeremy Famà |
Jeremy is a multi-instrumentalist that spends his time busking and gigging full time. This Portlander can be found in coffee shops and venues sharing a solo set of original songs and covers, performing with Woodman Famà Jazz Duo, and as the trumpeter of Ryan Kwan Band. |
Maeve Stier |
Portland, OR-based actor-musician, voice-over artist, composer, arranger, and wearer of many hats. |
Mathilda schmidt |
My name is Mathilda!! I’m a high school graduate pursuing a full time music career! For the longest time I played in a band called “the red strings,” and while I still participate I’m mainly working on solo music. My music is in the indie genre, but takes inspiration from both jazz and Celtic vocal techniques. I hope you enjoy my music and if you do follow me on Instagram @mathilda._.Judy!! |
Phong Nguyen, the CSET PM Band |
Phong Nguyen, the CSET PM Band (Computer Systems Engineering Technology Portland Metro) is a professor at Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT) in Wilsonville. Phong plays violin, keyboard, guitar, bass and sings. His wife, a retired vascular tech, performs at vocal and percussion. The lead singer is Cari Blaker, a CSET OIT PM senior, who has been a professional lounge singer with parents who performed in professional barbershop quartets. Joseph TenEyck, the drummer and also a senior at CSET OIT PM, is a composer, arranger, producer, film scorer, sound engineer for multiple bands, artists, and films. Last but not least, another CSET OIT PM senior, Dominick Stone, the lead guitarist, has played the guitar since eleven years old in various band. |
Saige Rayne |
Saige Rayne, formally known as Sadie Saige, is an acoustic singer-songwriter/cover artist, sharing stories, emotions and sounds from the heart and soul. |
Sarah L Gerhardt |
Sarah L. Gerhardt is an artist, thereminist, writer, editor, filmmaker, coordinator, and eternal student living in Portland, Oregon. She grew up in Pennsylvania in a small town outside of Pittsburgh called Canonsburg. She has lived in Portland, Oregon for a very long time (25 years) so this is her home. It was here that her love for the strange and unusual was fostered. |
Scott Allen |
Scott Allen is an innovative cellist based in Portland, |
Shannon Wiancko |
Shannon Wiancko, 17-year-old songwriter from the Pacific Northwest, narrates her life through music with folk, pop, and alternative influences. |
Skye Kitt |
Skye Kitt is the work of solo musician Skye Robinson, a trans musician from Portland, OR. Her songs touch on struggling with self image, lust for women, lost friends, and sometimes nothing in particular. |
Sweet Bean Selene |
Sweet Bean Selene is a solo artist with a mix of hot tunes from the 20s/30s and hauntingly sadly sweet originals. |
Sydney Burch |
Sydney Burch has always loved music and has been writing songs and singing since before they can remember. |
Thorn Hartspring |
Thorn Hartspring (they/them) is a musician and performing artist. They use flutes, vocal harmonies and live looping to create original songs about community and change, love and liberation. They also play in the band Brassless Chaps and work as an actor and teacher. |
Wyatt Button |
Wyatt Button is a Portland Oregon pianist, vocalist, and songwriter from the Willamette Valley area, known for blending straight-ahead jazz with soul and R&B influences. He has a repertoire of original compositions and classic standards. |
Surprise Guest 1 |
Surprise Guest 2 |
March 24, 2025
The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office has issued the following 9 charges under a grand jury indictment on Jesse St. Marie DOB: 06/18/1998.
Felony Strangulation
Assault in the Fourth Degree (3 counts)
Theft in the Second Degree
Harassment (2 counts)
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office has also issued a media release seeking additional victims in a sex trafficking investigation related to Jesse St. Marie. (See Attached)
Detectives Seek Additional Victims in Sex Trafficking Investigation
March 24, 2025
On March 2, 2025, deputies with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) received a report of domestic violence in the Bethany community at an apartment near NW West Union Rd. and NW Bethany Blvd. Deputies learned 26-year-old Jesse Lee St. Marie Blankenship assaulted a woman several days earlier. Blankenship was also wanted by the Gresham Police Department for assaulting and strangling the same woman in February 2025. Deputies then learned Blankenship had a felony warrant for parole violation related to a prior conviction for assaulting a different woman.
While conducting surveillance on the apartment, deputies spotted Blankenship getting into an SUV during the early morning hours of March 4. As deputies moved in to arrest him, Blankenship jumped out of the SUV and tried to run but deputies immediately captured and arrested him.
Detectives from the WCSO Violent Crimes Unit responded to the scene. During the investigation, detectives learned Blankenship was involved in sex trafficking as well as being physically violent to multiple people.
On March 17, a Washington County grand jury heard evidence on the case and issued a 21-count indictment. On March 20, a Multnomah County grand jury heard evidence as well and indicted Blankenship for nine additional charges.
Blankenship has been held without bail at the Washington County Jail since March 4. In addition to his parole violation, Blankenship is facing the following charges in Washington County:
• Compelling prostitution – two counts
• Promoting prostitution – two counts
• Coercion – five counts
• Assault in the second degree – two counts
• Harassment
• Assault in the fourth degree (felony) – two counts
• Assault in the fourth degree (misdemeanor) – two counts
• Menacing – two counts
• Recklessly endangering another person
• Causing another person to ingest a controlled substance
• Tampering with a witness
• Supplying contraband – two counts
Blankenship was indicted for the following charges in Multnomah County:
• Strangulation (felony)
• Assault in the fourth degree (misdemeanor) – three counts
• Coercion
• Menacing
• Theft in the second degree
• Harassment – two counts
The investigation is ongoing and additional charges are likely. Detectives believe there are additional victims and witnesses and would like to speak with anyone who has information about Blankenship. Please call 503-846-2500 and reference case 50-25-3033.
The release of Blankenship’s booking photo is for law enforcement purposes and is in accordance with Oregon House Bill 3273 for the identification of additional criminal activity.
On Sunday, March 23, 2025, North Precinct Neighborhood Response Team (NRT) officers, along with officers from Central and East NRT and members of the Narcotics and Organized Crime Unit combined efforts to improve the safety and usability of the area surrounding Dawson Park. Partnering with local area businesses and the Organized Retail Crime Association of Oregon, the officers focused on apprehending those involved in retail theft and illegal drug use.
During the mission, 26 individuals were arrested, 100 criminal charges were filed, and an additional 16 outstanding warrants were serviced. Stolen items estimated to be worth hundreds of dollars were returned to nearby establishments and several illegal drug transactions were interdicted.
North Precinct personnel remain committed to improving the safety of Dawson Park and the surrounding area. Additional efforts to develop creative solutions with city partners will continue.
Photo description: Officers arrest a suspect and collect evidence.
If you plan on heading to local waterways this spring break, be prepared for lots of floating debris, very swift currents due to high water, and very cold water temperatures. The Marine Board urges boaters to select a waterway that matches their skill levels, so they don’t wind up getting in over their heads.
“Inexperience and not being prepared for the conditions are factors leading to accidents. Planning ahead, boating with others, always keeping a sharp lookout, and wearing a properly fitted life jacket for your boating activity are key,” says Brian Paulsen, Boating Safety Program Manager for the Oregon State Marine Board. “The Marine Board has a lot of planning resources on our website to help boaters have a safe and enjoyable experience on all of Oregon’s waterways,” adds Paulsen.
The Oregon State Marine Board advises boaters to plan ahead and check out the Marine Board’s interactive boating access map. The map displays public boat ramps and local rules for boat operations. Also, check the weather forecast, water levels, and tides. See if there are any reported obstructions, and have the right gear for your boating activity. Boaters can also check the Marine Board’s website to find out what equipment is required based on the size and type of boat.
The Marine Board would like to remind boaters:
For more information about safe boating in Oregon, visit
On March 2, 2025, deputies with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) received a report of domestic violence in the Bethany community at an apartment near NW West Union Rd. and NW Bethany Blvd. Deputies learned 26-year-old Jesse Lee St. Marie Blankenship assaulted a woman several days earlier. Blankenship was also wanted by the Gresham Police Department for assaulting and strangling the same woman in February 2025. Deputies then learned Blankenship had a felony warrant for parole violation related to a prior conviction for assaulting a different woman.
While conducting surveillance on the apartment, deputies spotted Blankenship getting into an SUV during the early morning hours of March 4. As deputies moved in to arrest him, Blankenship jumped out of the SUV and tried to run but deputies immediately captured and arrested him.
Detectives from the WCSO Violent Crimes Unit responded to the scene. During the investigation, detectives learned Blankenship was involved in sex trafficking as well as being physically violent to multiple people.
On March 17, a Washington County grand jury heard evidence on the case and issued a 21-count indictment. On March 20, a Multnomah County grand jury heard evidence as well and indicted Blankenship for nine additional charges.
Blankenship has been held without bail at the Washington County Jail since March 4. In addition to his parole violation, Blankenship is facing the following charges in Washington County:
Blankenship was indicted for the following charges in Multnomah County:
The investigation is ongoing, and additional charges are likely. Detectives believe there are additional victims and witnesses and would like to speak with anyone who has information about Blankenship. Please call 503-846-2500 and reference case 50-25-3033.
The release of Blankenship’s booking photo is for law enforcement purposes and is in accordance with Oregon House Bill 3273 for the identification of additional criminal activity.
Cascade Locks, Ore. – On Friday, March 7th, 2025, the Hood River County Sheriff’s Office successfully retrieved a portion of a vehicle that investigators believe likely belonged to the Martin family. Due to the challenges presented in attempting to recover any more of the vehicle, the Hood River County Sheriff’s Office is suspending any further recovery efforts.
Having disappeared in December of 1958 after a day trip from Portland to the Columbia River Gorge, the Martin family disappearance has gathered a lot of attention over the years. After a private diver presented to the Hood River County Sheriff’s Office (HRCSO) compelling evidence that he had located the Martin family car, HRCSO engaged the services of a professional diving and salvage company. The car that had been located was in a basin within the original lock system in Cascade Locks, Oregon. The vehicle was upside down and buried, nose first, in 66 years of packed sediment and rock, about fifty feet below the surface.
Beginning on March 6th, 2025, and continuing through March 7th, the divers worked to remove as much packed sediment and rock as possible. Due to the fact that the interior of the vehicle was believed to also have filled with sediment, only the chassis and engine of the vehicle was recovered from the riverbed. The chassis was taken to a secure facility and processed.
The Martin family vehicle was a 1954 Ford 4-door station wagon, cream in color with red trim. After processing the chassis and attached engine and parts, and comparing the serial numbers to records from the Ford Motor Company, HRCSO investigators believe that what was recovered from the riverbed did belong to a 1954 Ford 4-door station wagon, and small bits of the vehicle body that were still attached to the chassis matched the color of the Martin family vehicle. Given what was found and the location in which it was found, HRCSO investigators have every reason to believe that what was recovered belonged to the Martin family vehicle. Investigators were unable to locate a vehicle identification number (VIN), however, which in 1954 was just starting to be common practice, though not always placed in a consistent location on the vehicle. For those reasons, investigators cannot say with absolute certainty that it is the vehicle.
Due to the difficulties associated with retrieving the chassis, and the corroded condition that it was in, HRCSO does not feel that expending further time or resources on the retrieval of the remainder of the vehicle would be prudent, nor would it be guaranteed of success. The location, difficult underwater conditions, and the sediment and rock which encase the remainder of the vehicle present significant challenges. For those reasons, the Hood River County Sheriff’s Office is suspending all further recovery efforts.
Linn County Sheriff Michelle Duncan reports on March 22, 2025 at 10:19 p.m., the Linn County Sheriff’s Office responded to a burglary in progress in the 36000 block of Highway 228 near Brownsville. The caller reported two people going through buildings.
Deputies responded to the location and located a male and female on the property. Deputies contacted the male, later identified as Ryan Rikala, 38, of Sweet Home, who fled the area after a physical altercation with the deputy. The deputy heard a loud “pop” during the altercation and believed it was from a firearm. The female, identified as Stefani Brock, 34, of Crawfordsville, was taken into custody.
Deputies and additional officers from Oregon State Police and Albany Police Department quickly set up a perimeter. Deputies utilized multiple K9s and drones to search the area for Rikala. During the K9 track, a firearm was located along the route Rikala fled the area. Rikala was located in a wooded area north of the burglary where he attempted to flee again by jumping in the river and swimming to the opposite side. An additional K9 team was used and Rikala was taken into custody without further incident.
Rikala was lodged at the Linn County Jail for Burglary 1, Felon in Possession of a Firearm and Resisting Arrest. Brock was lodged at the Linn County Jail for Burglary 1 and Conspiracy.
The Linn County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by Oregon State Police, Albany Police Department, Corvallis Police Department and Brownsville Fire Department.
Vancouver, Wash. – The Clark County Assessor’s office property tax exemption specialists will be available to answer questions and enroll property owners in the county’s property tax relief program at upcoming event in Camas.
The Tax Exemption Program for senior citizens and people with disabilities can reduce property tax liability for qualifying homeowners. Eligibility is based on age or disability, home ownership, residency, and income. Participants are not required to repay the taxes, and their homes are not subject to property liens.
Exemption specialists will be available Friday, March 28 to help enroll applicants at Camas City Hall, 616 NE Fourth Ave., from 9 am to 2:30 pm.
To schedule an appointment for the enrollment event, call 564.397.2391 or email"> Walk-ins also are welcome. Homeowners interested in attending should bring photo ID, federal tax return, W-2 and/or 1099, and any deduction documentation.
Learn more about the program and apply online at
Date: Wed, April 9th, 2025
Time: 7 pm
Location: Kiggins Theatre Vancouver, Wa
Tickets: $15-$45
Event Website:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a lightning rod topic of conversation and energy from the streets, to board rooms, and to governments around the world.
What is going on? Where did AI come from? Why does AI matter to the future of the planet?
There are seemingly endless media stories and news articles and public opinions on the goings-on of AI, and as many opinions and answers as there are questions. Scientist and AI Leader Emily Soward will cut to the point on the current state of AI and raise awareness of near and far term challenges for planet Earth.
We will look at case studies to understand:
where AI is best being used
limitations of AI and how scientists are addressing them
where AI came from including what motivates AI in the first place
Through these studies we will contextualize AI’s relevance across the disciplines of conservation, ecology, sustainability, security, and privacy. Walk away with a brighter understanding of the AI landscape, insights into why it matters for our shared global future, and top tips for making informed decisions when evaluating externalities for AI use.
No AI, technical, conservation, or security experience needed!
Emily Soward works for Amazon Web Services and is the founding Vice President, Board of Directors for The Ecological Archive, a 501c3 dedicated to advancing research intersecting AI and ecology. She provides technical and strategic leadership in safety, security, trust, and privacy for AI systems and advances research around thorny issues in implementing technology that can benefit the planet by contributing to open science and open security initiatives.
Science on Tap is a science lecture series where you can sit back, drink a pint, and enjoy learning. Listen to experts talk about the science in your neighborhood and around the world. You don't have to be a science geek to have fun--all you need is a thirst for knowledge! For more information on this event or about Science on Tap, visit Science on Tap OR WA.
SALEM, Ore. – Over the weekend, the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) filled an order to send 26 firefighters and two agency representatives to North Carolina to assist in fighting numerous wildfires in the state. Many of the firefighters arrived in the state yesterday, March 23, and are assigned to the Black Cove incident in western North Carolina.
The two-week rotation with our North Carolina partners is our chance to return the favor. In 2024, North Carolina sent almost a whole incident management team along with several overhead positions in support of Oregon. The added capacity allowed some resource flexibility to ODF in a time when people and equipment were limited.
“Being able to have an additional incident management team (IMT) made it so we did not have to make the hard choice of prioritizing one fire over another,” said Blake Ellis, Fire Operations Manager. “At the time, we had two fires in need of an IMT and only one ODF team available. We were able to fill both incidents’ needs due to the extra support from our North Carolina partners.”
The firefighters were sent to North Carolina under mutual assistance agreements between the two states. When wildfire activity is low in Oregon, firefighters can be spared to help in places experiencing high levels of wildfire.
Oregon can and has called on its out-of-state partners to send resources when wildfire here exceeded our local and state capacity, most recently in 2024 when ODF received firefighters and equipment from about 21 states, provinces and territories.
“These agreements help bolster the complete and coordinated fire protection system and create a cache of reciprocal resources for all of us to call on when needed,” Michael Curran, ODF’s Fire Protection Division Chief, said.
So why does Oregon send resources to help other states? Through these mutual assistance agreements with other states, including Alaska, Hawaii and NW Canadian territories, we can share resources with one another, creating a larger, faster comprehensive fire management system.
“Know that we don’t share these resources without appropriate vetting. Before committing to any out-of-state deployment, we make sure that our own fire management system is still adequately staffed and ready to respond to fires here in Oregon. Serving Oregonians is our first and primary priority,” said Curran.
Vancouver, Wash. – City of Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle and the Vancouver City Council will host the 2024 State of the City and Council Community Forum tonight, March 24 at 6 p.m. Mayor McEnerny-Ogle’s speech will cover Vancouver's key accomplishments in 2024 and what the City will focus on in the future as the community continues to grow and change.
Guests are invited to stay after the speech to meet, in-person, with City Councilors at the first Council Community Forum of the year.
What: 2025 State of the City and Council Community Forum
Who: Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle will present a brief State of the City address, highlighting some of the key accomplishments of 2024 and looking ahead to what’s next for Vancouver. The mayor’s remarks will be followed by a Council Community Forum, where guests are invited to hold conversations with the mayor and councilors.
When: Tonight, March 24, 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Due to space constraints at the venue, RSVPs for the event are encouraged and can be made at The City will make every effort to accommodate those who arrive without previously RSVPing to the event.
The State of the City address will be streamed live–and available for on-demand viewing–on Clark/Vancouver Television (CVTV) channel 23 and HD 323 and the City’s Facebook.
Where: Firstenburg Community Center Community Room, 700 N.E 136th Ave., Vancouver. Media may park in the free lot at Firstenburg Community Center but should be aware that seating and space at the venue will be limited.
Local heroes face off in ‘Battle of the Badges’ Blood Drive
Donors invited to give blood to support Portland’s first responders on March 25th and 26th
[PORTLAND, MARCH 24, 2025]
Portland’s first responders are teaming up with the American Red Cross to save lives at the first annual Battle of the Badges blood drive. The event will take place at Portland Fire Station 1 at 55 SW Ash St, Portland, OR, 97204, March 25th and 26th, between 8:30am and 2pm.
The blood drive comes at a critical time. Extreme weather disasters in the past few months have caused the cancelation of hundreds of blood drives, leaving 25,000 units uncollected across the country. In Oregon and SW Washington, 40 drives have been canceled with 1,200 units going uncollected. Despite these challenges, patients still depend on blood donations every day.
“Every 2 seconds someone in this country needs blood and first responders know firsthand how critical it is to have blood readily available in emergencies,” said Red Cross Regional Donor Services Executive Angel Montes.
Battle of the Badges is a friendly competition between Portland Fire & Rescue, Portland Police Bureau and Multnomah County Sherriff’s Office. The blood drive encourages residents to join local first responders to help save lives. Donors at the blood drive will vote for their favorite agency before they donate, and the winning team of first responders is announced at the end of the drive.
“Portland Fire & Rescue challenges you to join us in our first Battle of the Badges blood drive,” says Interim Fire Chief AJ Jackson. “We’ve accepted the American Red Cross challenge to help save lives and we invite you to join our friendly competition with our fellow first responders.”
“Donating blood can save lives,” PPB Chief Bob Day said. “Sponsoring the Battle of the Badges Blood Drive alongside the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Portland Fire & Rescue, and American Red Cross is a reminder that our role in the community extends far beyond responding to emergencies. It’s about being part of the solution and contributing to the health and well-being of those around us. I understand this as my late son who battled cancer was a beneficiary of blood donations. I implore everyone who can donate to do so.”
Multnomah County Sheriff Nicole Morrisey O’Donnell said, “As law enforcement professionals, we witness firsthand the critical need for blood in life-or-death situations. From car crashes to medical emergencies to natural disasters, blood donations are vital to saving lives. I encourage everyone to take the time to donate—your contribution could be the one that makes all the difference when someone’s life is on the line.”
All presenting donors at the blood drive will receive A1C Testing + $10 Gift Card (March 1-31, 2025)
+ Battle of the Badges t-shirt for every presenting donor while supplies last!
To make an appointment, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), visit or use the Blood Donor App.
About the American Red Cross:
About the American Red Cross: The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood and is the primary blood supplier to 65 hospitals throughout Washington and Oregon; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members, and their families. The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. For more information, please visit or, or follow us on social media.
Salem, OR— Low-income Salem area taxpayers eligible to claim valuable federal and state tax credits can get assistance filing their tax returns when Oregon Department of Revenue volunteers visit the Salem Public library April 3.
According to IRS and state statistics, the federal Earned Income Tax Credit and the Oregon Earned Income Credit were claimed on more than 13 percent of returns in Marion County for tax year 2022. It’s likely, however, that more area families could claim the credits. The IRS estimates that, overall, 25 percent of Oregon taxpayers eligible don’t claim the credits.
The Department of Revenue believes that helping taxpayers file their own returns using direct file will help maximize the number of Oregonians who choose to use the new free option and make it possible for many who don’t have a filing requirement to file and claim significant federal and state tax credits for low-income families.
The Earned Income Tax Credit is a federal tax credit for people for making up to $66,819 in 2024. Families may be eligible for a maximum refundable credit of $7,830 on their federal tax return, and a maximum Oregon Earned Income Credit of $940 on their state tax return. Certain taxpayers without children may also be eligible for these credits.
Some taxpayers eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Oregon Earned Income Credit may also be able to claim the Oregon Kids Credit, which could total as much as $5,000.
All three are refundable credits meaning that eligible taxpayers can receive the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Oregon EIC, and Oregon Kids Credit, even if they are not otherwise required to file. To receive the refundable credits, however, they must file a federal and state tax return.
The IRS estimates that 44,000 people in Salem and Keizer are eligible to use IRS Direct File and Direct File Oregon in addition to 18,000 others in Marion County. Filing with both IRS Direct File and Direct File Oregon is free and available as a combination for filing both federal and state taxes for the first time this year.
Before arriving at the library, taxpayers should:
Videos are also available to show how to use IRS Direct File and Direct File Oregon and taxpayers can find more information on the department’s Free Direct File assistance at local libraries webpage.
Taxpayers should bring the following information with them to the library.
Identification documents
Common income and tax documents
Optional documents
IRS Direct File does not support all return types. Specifically, taxpayers with dividends reported on Form 1099-DIV and capital gains or losses are not eligible to use IRS Direct File.
Taxpayers who aren’t eligible to use IRS Direct File can find other free options and free assistances sites on the agency’s website. Those who can't use IRS Direct File to file their federal return can still use Direct File Oregon to file their state return.
Last night, around 9:50 p.m., first responders were called to the 17000 block of Fern Ridge Rd, just outside of Stayton. Upon arrival, they found a single-vehicle crash with extensive damage. Tragically, one passenger, a 16-year-old juvenile, was pronounced deceased at the scene. Three other juvenile passengers, aged 16, 14, and 12, were transported to area hospitals with serious injuries.
The driver, 33-year-old Christopher Atkinson of Salem, was arrested and booked into the Marion County Jail on charges of Manslaughter in the Second Degree, Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, Reckless Endangering (x4), Assault in the Second Degree, and Assault in the Fourth Degree (x2). Mr. Atkinson is scheduled for arraignment today, March 24th, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. at the Marion County Court Annex.
We offer our deepest condolences and thoughts to the families affected by this tragic crash.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to Santiam Ambulance, Stayton Fire Department, Sublimity Fire Department, Marion County Crash Team, Lyons Fire Department, and Marion County Public Works for their assistance in this case
Early on Saturday morning, March 22, 2025, at around 7:40 a.m., Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a disturbance involving a weapon on the 18400 block of NW Chemeketa Lane in unincorporated Washington County.
Upon arrival, deputies found a 36-year-old man inside his apartment suffering from multiple stab wounds. The victim told deputies that a woman known to him, 26-year-old Rosalia Martinez-Hernandez forced entry into his residence and stabbed him multiple times before fleeing the scene.
The victim was transported to a nearby hospital where he is currently listed in serious but stable condition.
Following the incident, detectives from the Violent Crimes Unit joined the investigation. Meanwhile, deputies initiated a search for Martinez-Hernandez. She was located by a patrolling deputy near the intersection of SW Springville Road and NW 178th Avenue.
At 8:25 a.m., detectives arrested Martinez-Hernandez without incident. She was then transported to the Washington County Jail where she was booked on charges of Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, Assault in the First Degree, and Burglary in the First Degree. Additional charges may follow as the investigation continues.
Further details are not available at this time as the investigation is still ongoing.
Oaks Park's 120th season of safe, wholesome, family fun kicks off today, March 22, with rides, mini golf, carnival games, and roller skating from 1-6 PM.
With rides for all ages, lots of games and arcades, a mini golf course with spectacular views of the river, beautiful picnic grounds, and the oldest roller rink in the country, "The Oaks" has been entertaining the Oregon and southwest Washington community since 1905. This year marks a major milestone as Oaks Park celebrates 12 decades of operation and its status as the last of the historic trolley parks left on the West Coast.
The amusement park in SE Portland will be open every day for Oregon Spring Break through March 30, then weekends this spring until school gets out for the summer. The 2025 season runs all the way through Halloween; visit for the full season hours and to plan your visit.
At approximately 07:11 AM on March 21, 2025, Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District responded to a structure fire at 41900 Marks Ridge Rd. Upon arrival of the first responding units there was heavy fire and smoke coming from a bedroom window and through the roof near the back of a manufactured home on the property. 5 residents were outside and stated that they were in the structure when the fire started in a back bedroom. Two of the residents state that there was no power to the home and they were in the living room when one noticed flames and smoke coming from the unoccupied bedroom. They woke up the other residents in the house, gathered their pets and made their escape before the structure was completely filled with heavy smoke. After firefighters were assured that there was no one in the home, they checked that all doors and windows were closed and started extinguishing the main fire through the burned out window of the bedroom from outside. Once a water tender arrived on scene and the majority of the fire was knocked down, firefighters made entry through the front door and fully extinguished the remainder of the fire. While there was heavy smoke and heat damage throughout the structure, the most severe fire damage was kept to the corner of the home where the initial fire started and was successfully prevented from extending through the attic space to other rooms. A total of 10 firefighters responded on 3 firefighting apparatus and one medic unit. The extent of the fire spread could have been much worse had the residents not closed all of the doors after escaping the structure, helping to limit the oxygen available to the fire. The specific cause of the fire remains undetermined but is possible to have been started by a faulty portable charging device in the bedroom.